Stacking Aura using Feats

By Marximus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This came up in my Sea of Blood campaign last night. The hero, Shiver, has aura 4. We are using feats from the TOI expansion and, sure enough, Shiver drew and played a feat providing aura 4 (until the end of his next turn). Does the aura stack; i.e,., does Shiver have aura 8 for a turn?

We decided to allow it since we couldn't find anything in the rules saying aura didn't stack. Can anyone think of a reason or point to rule that would lead to a different conclusion?

Ranked abilities stack with themselves.

James McMurray said:

Ranked abilities stack with themselves.

DJitD pg22
If a hero or monster gains a given special ability from more than one source, any ranks the ability has are added together

Just a little nitpicking: Shiver would have Aura 8 during the following (or current) OL turn. After that he would be back to Aura 4 from the Feat - this is important if the heros want to Knockback monsters into the Aura.