Question re: stunned melee attackers

By zealot12, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The situation is as follows: Lyssa, the melee fighter in the party gets stunned by a Master Razorwing. She has Ring of Quickness equipped.(that gives her one extra movment point regardless of other effects) On her next turn she discards the stun token, and having no adjacent targets next to her, uses the ring of quickness to gain one movement point, which brings her now close to the razorwing. Can she make now one attack against the beast, or does she only get to move this turn?

zealot12 said:

The situation is as follows: Lyssa, the melee fighter in the party gets stunned by a Master Razorwing. She has Ring of Quickness equipped.(that gives her one extra movment point regardless of other effects) On her next turn she discards the stun token, and having no adjacent targets next to her, uses the ring of quickness to gain one movement point, which brings her now close to the razorwing. Can she make now one attack against the beast, or does she only get to move this turn?

This has been discussed before. The consensus is that the stunned hero gets to choose one half action - 'move' (MP = to movement), 'attack', or 'place order', but otherwise may use any additional movement, attacks or order placement derived from skills, fatigue, abilities or equipment etc (but obviously not those triggered by declaring an order, since the hero does not get to declare an order).

thus in your examle Lyssa may choose the atack half action and then also use the MP she gains from the RoQ (and any MP she gains from spending fatigue).

If she had the Koll's Mark skill, she could take the move or order half actions and use Koll's mark for up to two attacks, as another similar example.

Corbon said:

(but obviously not those triggered by declaring an order, since the hero does not get to declare an order).

I believe you mean declaring an action , such as an Advance, Battle, Run, or Ready. It is still possible to place an order (Aim, Dodge, etc.) while stunned.