Uggggghhhh... My team was devoured in scenario seven by Eihort... I had a very good game going at the beginning, and was playing somewhat conservatively. Unfortunately I wasn't using Darrell much— (I was trying to swap him out at the science building, because I wanted a different character for scenario ten). Three of the small gates opened in the early game, and I didn't play wisely (I was playing as if game opening frequency was normal, even though all the high frequency gates were unopened— I got hit by the seventh gate). Eihort awoke, but I still had a chance, I had three reasonably strong characters, Charlie, Mandy, and Darrell, a +1 fight ally, a shrivelling, a skill that counted for a success each round, and a brazier of souls +8 magical weapon, and a bunch of clues, all players only had one brood token when the fight started (so that was knocked up to two)... I knocked off eight doom tokens on the first round of combat. Unfortunately, the first card I drew was a sinister plot— the worst possible one— another brood token for all players. Fine? NOT FINE! ALL MY PLAYERS WERE EATEN! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! MAAAAAAAAAANDYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Oh, so I redrew a new team— Kate, Amanda, and Vincent ::laughter:: let's see if they'll succeed where the previous team failed ::laughter:: (I'm trying to weed out some of the weaker players so I'll be able to three out of six draw another strong team— I'll need it for round ten).
Ugggghhhh.... Close, despite the horrible team. I got to five seals twice :' Unfortunately I didn't draw any eltdown shards or elder signs until last turn (despite taking out two bank loans— of course, starting with Amanda, it was more like taking out one bank loan). Eihort just woke up and made short work of my team. A pretty good performance despite them being, well, a horrible team ;'D Hrm... The next team's decent.... Gloria, Ashcan, and Tony... eight clue tokens starting between the three of them ;') Lets see if I can finish off the night with a win, eh?
::Sigh:: last game vincent beat Shub in Yuggoth without losing any monster trophies but died anyways... I'm starting to think that Eihort is best confronted in combat in you plan for combat from the beginning (I keep going for sealing victories— I'd never fully understood how he worked before)... Anyways... He's really annoying because unlike many of the other AOs, he just cuts through your defences at random (almost), and even if he takes out a mediocre character (as opposed to one of your best) he regenerates so that he can stay around long enough to take out another player :' blarg. Anyways, I think preparing for combat from the beginning (avoiding cultists and not sealing gates, and stockpiling on unique weapons) would be the best way to take him out in a three player game... Anyone disagree?
Yarrr... I kept the game under control. Defaulted on three bank loans though. Didn't have to rely on Ashcan's game exploits ;'D probably should've (would've worked great with eltdown shards). Kept using Gloria and a gate box to keep the gates at six until I was ready (with allies, magical weapons, and blessings) then I massaed Eihort into a fight :') It should've been an easy fight, bu-ut, Tony rolled a one on his second brood token (it was placed on the first turn— bad luck). Anyways, that accelerated the brood tokens in the other players, but, heh... I managed to finish the fight with two on Ashcan and two on Gloria (a sinister plot was prevented with a warding statue). Hoo... That was a tiring game... Random replacement for Tony Morgan? Mark Harrigan! Arg... Still, that flamethrower might come in handy ;'D especially vs. Azathoth (if he survives that long— I suppose there's a chance he'll make it through the Cthulhu fight, which I still say will be easier than the Eihort fight, a sealing victory is much less of a problem when you can just concentrate on one or two characters as sealers and not have to balance your team with a 1/3rd chance that you'll add a double doom token to him anyways even if you do, ugh). I'm glad I can move on to the next fight, finally. I've been looking forward to a tougher Cthulhu for a long time now ;'D ostensibly tougher anyways. Double movement fast monsters could be interesting though :'D