One Question I have.

By Manchine, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I just can't wrap my head around Treachery. It talks about buying cards with EXP but I don't see any cards that I can buy. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

have you got any expansions ? So i guess if u only got the base game no treachery for you..

You need to have the Well of Darkness, Altar or Despair and/or Tomb of Ice expansions to be able to play with treachery. You spend treachery to customize your deck with powerful overlord cards.

AHhhh, I only have the sea of blood right now. Thanks. =)

If you want to buy an expansion for treachery, buy either Well of Darkness or Altar of Despair, or both. Tomb of Ice only adds several treachery cards to the game. (well, it adds Feat cards to the game as well several new monsters, but that's beside the point)

.The WoD and AoD each add more than 30 cards, if I recall correctly.Altar of Despair is your best bet, in my opinion, since it adds more monsters as well.

I believe there should be rules for "simplified treachery" in the book somewhere. Without any actual treachery cards from the other expansions, you'd be limited to using the simplified rules. Off the top of my head I'm not quite sure what the simplified rules get you, but I suspect you might be better off spending your XP on other things anyway. =P

For each point of simplified treachery you have you can either start the dungeon with 4 extra threat or 1 extra card. If you get threat, that threat can only be spent on non-power cards of the appropriate type.