Do invulnrability potions protect from pierce?

By Propagandawar23, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Do invulnrability potions protect from pierce?

Propagandawar23 said:

Do invulnrability potions protect from pierce?

The question doesn't quite make sense, so I am guessing you misunderstand pierce.

The effect of pierce is to lower armour (it doesn't do wounds itself, just allows that attack to ignore X armour). Invulnerability potions increase armour. The two effects are opposite. They don't 'protect' from each other, but they may partially cancel.

Pierce Ignores Armor so 1 point of pierce is 1 automatic damage. In other words if a person has 4 armor and you do 3 damage with 2 pierce you do 2 point of damage. Thats why I was asking about the invulnrability protects against pierce too.

Propagandawar23 said:

Pierce Ignores Armor so 1 point of pierce is 1 automatic damage. In other words if a person has 4 armor and you do 3 damage with 2 pierce you do 2 point of damage.

No, that's not how Pierce works. The description in the rulebook is rather clear, but it seems lots of people still somehow think it works completely differently.

"An attack with the Pierce ability ignores 1 point of armor for each rank of Pierce it has. Thus, an attack with Pierce 3 ignores 3 points of armor. Shields are not affected by the Pierce ability."

If the target has 4 armor and an attack has Pierce 2, then you ignore 2 points of armor (one for each rank of Pierce), leaving the target with an effective 2 armor. Thus, if the attack dealt 3 damage, 2 of that would be blocked by the remaining armor (that wasn't ignored by Pierce), and the victim would suffer 1 wound (three damage minus two armor).

Pierce is exactly equivalent to bonus damage, except that it gets capped by the target's actual armor amount.

Oh I see what your saying there. I agree 5 points pierce on 4 point armor is still only 4 damage. I have reread Invul and noticed pierce is still attributed.

Thanks for the assist

Propagandawar23 said:

Oh I see what your saying there. I agree 5 points pierce on 4 point armor is still only 4 damage. I have reread Invul and noticed pierce is still attributed.

Thanks for the assist

You are still misunderstanding pierce.

5 points of pierce on 4 armour is 0 damage, not 4 damage.

Pierce does not do damage . Read it again. Pierce allows the attack to ignore some armour. It adds nothing to the damage of the attack itself, directly.

Pierce is equivalent to adding damage to an attack (for pierce that does not exceed armour) because Pierce cancels the armour, which reduces the damage. Cancelling a reduction is equivalent to adding (to the reduced value, not the original value), but does not add anything in itself.

Propaganda, you're certainly not the first to be confused by the wording that Pierce ignores armor. Games like D&D use the concept "ignores armor" differently, so it's probably more useful to think about it with different terminology. In Descent, Pierce actually reduces the target's armor.