Overlord Card Count

By Propagandawar23, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I just bought both expansions and upon reading Additions to the Overlord cards with no Treachery cost I felt it was unclear. Here is my questions.

1) Does the new spawn (Kobold, ferrows, Dark Elves) and trap cards with no treachery get thrown into the base pack? This would be around ten new cards?

2) If not how the heck do I calculate their treachery to include them?

1:) Yes, the new OL cards without a treachery cost are added to your base OL deck.

Propagandawar23 said:

I just bought both expansions

There are 5 expansions.

Of the 5 expansions however, only three add cards to the OL deck: Well of Darkness, Altair of Despair, and the newest is Tomb of Ice (TOI). The other two are the advanced campaigns: Sea of Blood and Road to Legend (SOB and RTL). The advanced campaigns do not add cards to the OL deck.

Depending on the printing of your original game you may also have a couple of cards that were changed. For Vanilla Descent the Skelaton and Beast Man description cards were changed. Make sure which one's you are using. The skelatons should have pierce and the beastmen should have extra damage.

Aside from those cards each expansion adds a few (3-4) new cards to the OL deck. These cards just get added in to the deck and are treated for all purposes as the original cards. You then have the treachery cards which are substitued for cards from the original deck. People usually remove cards that they don't like and replace them with the treachery cards to make a more powerfull deck. A good example is the spawn card for bane spiders is really hard to use as it has 3 monsters each with a four square base. It is hard to find that many squares that are not in line of sight of some hero so it is a rarely used card. You can remove it and substitute any of the cards you are buying with your treachery. This probably makes for a stronger OL deck right there. If you are playing the advanced campaign then my favorite is to remove the summon cards for a catagory of monster that is not going to be upgraded. As these monsters are going to tend not to be used in the first place I would rather have a usefull card in it's place. For example, I am playing the Sorcerer King I might remove both Bane Spider Swarms and replace them the Legion of the Dead treachery cards. I have just taken two cards that are hard to bring into play and for each 3 spiders I now have a spawn with 4 regular and 2 master skeletons. The 6 skeletons are a lot easier to bring onto the board as they are all 1 space monsters. If however I was playing the Spider Queen I would not remove the spider summons, but instead pull a humanoid summon card. While the spiders are hard to play, with the Spider Queen they are much more effective (She has an upgrade that gives +2 pierce and burn to all of the spiders attacks). You get the idea.


Thats cool that their are 5 i have well of darkeness and alter of despair. So um... sorry if I didnt specify, didnt realize something that needed to be pointed out.

Thanks for the assist Brian.