Feat Cards in the Sea of Blood

By Marximus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The rules on player's use of feat cards is a little confusing to me. The SoB rulebook (p. 34) states that the players draw their normal starting feat cards at the beginning of the campaign and keep that hand for the rest of the campaign.

That makes sense but the rules go on to say that players draw, " new feat cards when glyphs are activated." By "new" cards, does that mean: (option 1) the players simply draw cards from their discard pile (i.e., cards previously discarded from their hand of normal starting feat cards) or does that mean (option 2) the players draw completely new feats from the respective feat decks?

I'm inclined to go with option 1; otherwise it would make no sense to say that players keep "that hand" for the rest of the campaign. Anyone go with option 2 or have another interpretation?

Players always draw new feat cards from the deck. The phrase in question refers to the fact that the heroes keep their feat hand beyond a single dungeon, even though it serves no function in map-based turns. This is in contrast to the Overlord's cards, which are discarded and recycled at the end of every dungeon.


It means that they draw new feat cards as normal when glyphs are activated. The part about keeping your hand for the entire game means that you don't reset their hand at the start of every dungeon like you would if following the vanilla setup rules.

I also took it to mean that the characters hand was maxed out based on his starting cards. I believe in Tomb of Ice each player could have up to 4 feat cards in hand, we limit total feat cards to starting hand size. Anyone else play the same?

oshfarms said:

I also took it to mean that the characters hand was maxed out based on his starting cards. I believe in Tomb of Ice each player could have up to 4 feat cards in hand, we limit total feat cards to starting hand size. Anyone else play the same?


It doesn't say that you keep that hand size . Just that you keep that hand (meaning you don't throw away and redraw at any time during the campaign, although that hand will cycle as you play cards and draw more).
The hand you started with is the same hand you finish with, although it's contents might change. You never get dealt a new hand , you just draw and play cards through the game.

It is pretty simple.
The rules for feats are basically unchanged between the vanilla and advanced campaign. You just have to remember that the advanced campaign is one game , just like a vanilla dungeon is one game.