Tank Speeds

By BJaffe01, in Tide of Iron

Actually, I wasnt thinkg about the stupid banzai attacks, charges with their bayonets. I was more thinking about the 'you fight til you die mentallity. A greatly improved ability to resist suppresive fire would be fitting I think.

When I think about the pacific, I automaticly think about navy combat. Could a combined navy/land operation be represented in ToI? Axis and allies miniatures had a horrible version of navy combat. I was kind of hopping ToI would make a good one :)

I for one doubt TOI would make any form of navy combat aside from maybe naval bombardment in strategy decks.

But i dont think it would be hard to make balanced scenarios for a pacific expansion. TOI rarely makes a scenario represent a whole battle, let alone one spanning an entire island. Im sure there isnt any shortage of hard fought areas that would make great scenarios; not to mention scenarios set in the early war when Japan seemed unstoppable.

when i think Fantatic for Japanese it has knothing to do with charges but the widely held disdain of American fighting resolve and their infantry's fight till they die attitude. most of those Campaigns are boring but certain actions would be okay to game.


I think there are some interesting "Pacific" scenarios that would be worth exploring, but not many of them are USA v. Japan. USA v. IJI (Imperial Japanese Infantry/Marines) up to and including Guadalcanal might be fun...Burma road maybe. Otherwise you simply have stubborn attacker rooting out stubborn defender in concealment. If refering to pre-1941, then yes...there might be some areas to investigate. I'm thinking of China.

I think an easy way to represent the Japanese fanaticism would be to make them immune to routing from suppressive fire. That way they wouldnt be any better than any other troops in a straight up fight.

Making them immune to suppression would be too much because Im sure they could be pinned and disrupted as easy as any other trained troops, they just wouldnt rout. Running away in a battle was thought to be so dishonorable that even suicide was a better option, because of this retreats rarely happened.

Pilot17 said:

I think an easy way to represent the Japanese fanaticism would be to make them immune to routing from suppressive fire. That way they wouldnt be any better than any other troops in a straight up fight.

Making them immune to suppression would be too much because Im sure they could be pinned and disrupted as easy as any other trained troops, they just wouldnt rout. Running away in a battle was thought to be so dishonorable that even suicide was a better option, because of this retreats rarely happened.

That's a very good suggestion. However, I'd use a card for it, rather than making it a Japanese trait by default (although I do agree it would fit them). Other armies/ nations don't have special traits either, however, whereas I guess some could be thought up. So far TOI has always resolved this by using cards. I'd stick to that. BTW, isn't there already a card making your troops immune to routing? ( card text is: " Your troops do not rout" , IINM). Don't remember the card name, though...

I think that having japanese not run away is a nice addition, but in my opinion its not enough. I feel that pinning japanese infanteri should be more difficult to pin also, as the moral of japanese fighters was a major problem, not only a minor inconveniance.

Maybe give regular japanese infanteri +1 cover die versus suppresive firepower (as the regular elite ability), and have japanese elite give +2 cover die versus suppresive firepower :)

Yeah i think a card would be a better idea. That way it isnt by default; although i could see it used in most circumstances, and probably always on the defensive.

As for extra suppressive defense dice, that seems like a little too much. I havnt looked into it too much but i dont think i their morale made them that immune to suppression. Maybe an extra die per squad could work, but any more seems a little overkill. Its already difficult enough trying to pin a full squad of elite troops in cover so making the Japanese elites that good would make it just about impossible to pin them.

And now for something completly different,; could we get stats and plastic for the Ratte? Please, preaty please gran_risa.gif

Japanese morale was really good and they where very tough on the defensive and fairly relentless on the attack so giving each infantry base a +1 vs suppression would be possible based on how it playtested.
