Opened sealed box to play for first time today, checked parts and found only 18 blue ships. Game was purchased from shop in Birmingham, UK. Any ideas on best way to get the missing pieces?
Missing ships
Your best bet is probably to contact Fantasy Flight... I've read other people's accounts on this issue and it sounds like FFG is pretty good about hooking you up. Because frankly, I don't know where else you might be able to turn.... take the whole game back to where you got it and get another copy? Might be worth a try.
I was missing a red and purple ship. Contacted FFG right away and they sent one out that day. I guess their Chinese packagers are in too much of a hurry to count properly.
FFG has a well-earned reputation for being responsive and understanding in these sorts of situations. I've never had any pieces go missing, but it's good to know that the company will be on my side if it ever happens.
Unless I Force Field them! Gah!