First off, I want to thank Kyle Hough of FFG for an awesome demo game and being such a cool guy. I got to talk to him at GenCon (I worked at the Dream Pod 9 booth) and he had me and another DP9 employee sold on Dust Tactics. I even went home with the boxed set.
While I really like the game play and the level of detail in the miniatures, and I love the fact that they come pre-primed, I do have a couple critiques.
Is there any way the walkers could come with decal sheets instead of them being placed on the models beforehand? Like I said before, I like the fact that they come out of the box primed because I plan on painting them. But if the decals are applied before being boxed up, well, that just makes my job tougher. I have to go out of my way to do one of two things: take care to not cover up the existing decals with my paint job or find and pay for appropriate 1:48 decals to apply afterward. Any chance of including decal sheets for the players to apply themselves in the future?
I know a little about the manufacturing process so I understand why the best plastic available wasn't used to make the models (higher production cost and greater weight which translates into increased retail cost and shipping charges for everyone from FFG to the customers), but I really wish you guys had gone up at least one level. The models are very detailed, but they're so light . I get nervous just picking up one of the walkers; I'm afraid I'm going to squeeze it too hard and break it.
That's it, really. Everything else is great so far. I'm a fan of Gear Krieg so I'm looking forward to delving deeper into the universe of Dust and seeing how you guys handle the "WWII alternate history" aspect.
Keep up the great work!