I will probably get to play my first solo game this weekend. Who has played solo and what are your thoughts?
I will probably get to play my first solo game this weekend. Who has played solo and what are your thoughts?
My first solo game!
Took about 15min to set up. Shuffle every deck and separate cards.
30 min to die...
I enjoyed that I was able to play and try to beat the dungeon. Having friends over is always better, but this was still a lot of fun.
Below is how the game went
Random Character - Krutzbeck -
Random Rune - Heart Rune : first time seeing this one. Healing is so hard in the game.
Number tiles played 4
Number of catacomb cards drawn 9
Number of search cards drawn 2
Number of Trap cards draw 2
Dumber of dungeon card drawn 2
Sundial 16 turns
First tile of the game was a dead end with a search symbol. The dungeon card was a passage down. Hmmm what should a dwarf do?
Down Krutzbeck goes..........
Agh!!! a Hoard of Rats (Test Armor - fail) 3 wounds "Get off me you vile rodents!"
Razorwings.. This is going to hurt. 5 wounds
Krutzbeck looses his footing and falls its a trap door (Test agility - fail) 1 wound
(Test agility - fail) 1 wound
(Test agility - fail) 1 wound
(Test agility - success)
Kruztbeck climbs out of the trap only to be surprised by a Legendary Skeleton! (Test Luck - fail) 5 wounds
Skeleton has 3 life. Krutzbeck takes 1 wound but deathblow the skeleton with a counter attack
Use rune of healing - heal 6 wounds
"I see light ahead" Exit is found in the catacombs on the 5th card
Exit tile is a trap tile (test armor - fail) 4 wounds to cross fire trap.
Cave in tile - found a corpse I will leave the warrior rest in peace
3 test of agility to climb over
catacomb tile dead tile end with search found 30 coins "This will not change my fortune, I will continue my search"
search60 coins
search empty
going down - a strange wind blows out my torch
(Test Luck - Success) rolled a 3
Jumping for joy!!!!!!!!!
"what's this... a Treasure Chest"
Bane Spider killed
Demon Sneak attack (Test Luck - fail)4 wounds
Demon has 6 life
The demon was too much for Krutzbeck and with a final blow a "Barrage" of attacks slay the dwarf in the catacombs for another adventure to find another day.
2nd game
20 min to play
Character Tatianna
Rune - Drain Life
17 tiles played
1 catacomb card
Game started with a Trap tile - drew poisonus trap and loss two turns.
Loot 230 gold, rope, bottle imp, unstable postion
defeated a 2 wound skeleton
Died on turn 26, 2 spaces away from exiting... Rolled a 1 on for the dragon on the sundial, while Tatianna was caught in a spider web for 4 turns.
Kalladra found her meal stuck for easy prey
3rd game
15 min to die
8 tiles played
2 traps
3 catacomb
5 search card
2 dead corpse
Loot - 30 gold coins and a rope
Character - Challara and Brigtblaze
Started the game with a dead end tile with a skeleton, My first escape!
To the cataombs we went. exited into a trap room with an explosin 4 wounds and loss of turn
Encounterd the poisonus gas trap loss 3 turns
First solo character to make to the treasure room, but drew Dragon Rage and died
Challara died in 19 turns
4th game
20 min to die
20 tiles played
2 catacomb cards
7 seach cards
2 treasure deck
1 dead corpse
2 traps
2 monsters skeleton 11 wounds and sorceror 0 wonds
28 turns
loot 1040 gold coins-unstable potion, used the posting to heal 3 life on a roll of 10 Gherinn was at 12 wounds
Gherinn started off in the catacombs , took a secret passage to get into the treasure room
Thinking his life was over a skeleton inflicted 11 wounds after a porticals closed behind him, but he survived.
1 space away from the tower room, the halls ran straight into a wall, Gherinn search for a passage out, but it was to late the dragon found him and took back his treasure
BillStivers said:
Demon Sneak attack (Test Luck - fail)4 wounds
sneak attack? how does it work? test luck, then combat? I thought there weren't sneak attack in the deck, cause there was no mention in the rulebook. do you know how many sneack attack cards are in the deck (I presume there are in the dungeon deck)?
Sneak attack is the way most monsters in the catacombs fight, You first have a test vs agility or armor, if you fail you take wounds equal to the difference that you faild the test by. Then you have normal combat. It's described on the card. Monsters in the dungeon normally don't have sneak attack. I can't say this is how is all ways but it's what I have seen so far.
BillStivers said:
Sneak attack is the way most monsters in the catacombs fight, You first have a test vs agility or armor, if you fail you take wounds equal to the difference that you faild the test by. Then you have normal combat. It's described on the card. Monsters in the dungeon normally don't have sneak attack. I can't say this is how is all ways but it's what I have seen so far.
thanks for your answer!
so FFG has decided to put sneak attacks in the catacombs only! in the original DQ there were 5 sneak attack in the "room" deck (dungeon deck in the new version) and they worked the same way. I'm really glad to know that they did not forget snek att.! and maybe this is the reason about the 8 cards plus in the new version's catacombs deck (old DQ: 32 cards; new DQ: 40 cards). all right!
so you played 4 times and you died 4 times? wow, you're lucky! ^___^
I was afraid that this game was too easy compared to the old DQ (as you've already understood, I love the old dungeonquest and I'm trying to understand every difference between the two versions) but it seems not...another good new!
I have really enjoyed this game. Playing with friends normally what I prefer, but since I could play solo, I gave it try. 4 trys 4 deaths. I am going to try to play the other two characters tonight, when the kids go to bed.
On tuesday playing with my gaming group of 4 players, we had a first, multiple characters made it out of the dungeon. 3 out of the 4 escape, but not everyone got to the dragon hoard. The winner found a very large value of treasure in the catacombs while fleeing for his life before the doors shut (Me) and won the game.
Dying is part of the fun of this game.
5th game
Character - Hugo the Glorious
Rune of Vision
26 turns to die
20 min to die
2 catacomb cards
14 tiles
1 search deck
1 monster defeated Golem
2 traps
loot bottle imp
First two tiles was bridge then pit- Hugo only has an agility of 4 went back to bridge, cost Hugo 4 turns.
He passed two bridges in a row with an agility of 4.
Died on turn 26 because of a 1 being rolled for the dragon, while he was in the catacombs waiting for an exit.
6th and Final game for the day!
20 min to die
Character Lindel
Rune of Luck
2 tile cards
7 catacombs
3 monsters - demon, golem, and sorcerer
2 search cards
9 turns
This was the shortest turn game I played all day.
started with a corridor then a dead end into a stair well to the catacombs.
Lindel was doing great with monsters defeating the demon and golem easily, then a 3 wound sorcerer smoked him........
I had a great time today playing. I hope these glimpses into my games get you motivated to try and beat this dungeon.
Well, that sounds nice. I like games which aren`t too easy, if they are you have the risk that the fun level will be going down very early. I wish I could play it to, but I`ll have to wait an unknown time till the game is in the stores. Godd game BillStivers and play on...
Agamemnon666 said:
Well, that sounds nice. I like games which aren`t too easy, if they are you have the risk that the fun level will be going down very early. I wish I could play it to, but I`ll have to wait an unknown time till the game is in the stores. Godd game BillStivers and play on...
I too know that the waiting is the hardest part.................
You go, Billstivers!
I love playing the solo version. My thought is to use the official dice roll combat variant and throw away the sun day timer token. Although death is possible very quickly, I feel it's a great game. The key is placing new tiles in a strategically intelligent way.
Baboo said:
I love playing the solo version. My thought is to use the official dice roll combat variant and throw away the sun day timer token. Although death is possible very quickly, I feel it's a great game. The key is placing new tiles in a strategically intelligent way.
Placing the tiles in a strategic way would be nice, but the rules as written don't allow that. You have to choose the direction you're moving out of the current tile, then you pick one at random and place it. Thematically, you're exploring the room as you enter it, not looking down the hallways to see what is there first before deciding which way to go.
I tried the solo game for the first time last night. I didn't record everything that happened, so I can't give you a play-by-play report. I'll just sum up.
I randomly selected Hugo with a rune to cancel a trap.
I found an early passage to the catacombs and used it. Down there, I wound up getting smacked around a bit by a demon. Other than that my luck was pretty good. I popped back to the surface just a few spaces away from the treasure room. At this point, I lost three turns trying to pass a cave-in.
I looted the treasure room twice, and walked away with a flying carpet, a scarab thing, a loadstone, and a ring of some sort. I was feeling good about myself.
I left the treasure room, and my torch went out... for another three turns. Then I was attacked by a golem, and nearly killed. As I stumbled weakly toward the nearest exit, I stumbled across a few gold coins, and then my torch went out again.
I was still lost in the dark when the sun came up.
I played a solo game for the first time last night(first game actually)
got into the dungeon pretty deep with Hugo but kept getting shunted away from the catacombs with noi monsters...must not have shuffled well because I got alot of empty rooms and a couple of crypts and dead bodies.
im almost at the point where I turn around to leave before I am trapped when I run into a curse that rotates all the dungeon tiles.......that about did it for Hugo and after scrabbling around for a passage out ended up in a rotatin room that rotated me into a dead end room....I played it so that I could enter and leave the room and search every couple turns buit never found an exit until lights out. about to do it again...I bought this game so I would have something to play when no one else wanted to
great game though and playing again soon with a random hero.
solitear said:
I played a solo game for the first time last night(first game actually)
got into the dungeon pretty deep with Hugo but kept getting shunted away from the catacombs with noi monsters...must not have shuffled well because I got alot of empty rooms and a couple of crypts and dead bodies.
im almost at the point where I turn around to leave before I am trapped when I run into a curse that rotates all the dungeon tiles.......that about did it for Hugo and after scrabbling around for a passage out ended up in a rotatin room that rotated me into a dead end room....I played it so that I could enter and leave the room and search every couple turns buit never found an exit until lights out. about to do it again...I bought this game so I would have something to play when no one else wanted to
great game though and playing again soon with a random hero.
Is there a card that causes ALL tiles to rotate? I once pulled some curse that rotated all 'corridor' tiles. That was kind of cool.
But would rotating all tiles (rooms and corridors, etc) work ?