Some Of You May Be Very Interested In This?
Hey Chim - enjoyed the dialog over at BGG. Thanks for sharing the link. Will be interesting to see what the next set of figures look like. I am really interested in the fifth scheduled release.
Oh, and yes, I have ordered this as well. Um, FFG is a pretty pricey date!
ritterton said:
Hey Chim - enjoyed the dialog over at BGG. Thanks for sharing the link. Will be interesting to see what the next set of figures look like. I am really interested in the fifth scheduled release.
Oh, and yes, I have ordered this as well. Um, FFG is a pretty pricey date!
Glad you enjoyed, nice to know someone did LOL. You know the next set of fig's are already previewed in the pictures section on BGG or are you referring to the 3rd expansion? I am assuming you are looking forward to the fith expansion because of your avatar I am looking forward to the game release and finally getting my hands on it. Hopefully it won't be too much longer. I am waiting to be robbed by FFG some more
I have popped another post on BGG and hope to shed some more light in my next post. The funny thing is I am not even sure people realise that the co-designer has actually contributed to the thread twice and some of the speculation has been firmed up by him. Even more subtle is the fact his name has been altered very slightly and he plays one of the Axis villians in the Dust comic series.