Starting Conquest Tokens in a Quest

By russ_c, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Forgive the simple question, but I just picked up D:JiTD and I can't seem to find where the number of Conquest tokens for a given quest is printed. The intro rules say the first quest begins with 3, but what about all the others.

Also, I want to make sure the only ways to gain threat are by: drawing 1 for each hero at the start of your turn, discarding an unused overlord card for its threat value, or spending 2 surge per attack that did not miss. Is this correct?

Thanks for your patients!

russ_c said:

Forgive the simple question, but I just picked up D:JiTD and I can't seem to find where the number of Conquest tokens for a given quest is printed. The intro rules say the first quest begins with 3, but what about all the others.

Also, I want to make sure the only ways to gain threat are by: drawing 1 for each hero at the start of your turn, discarding an unused overlord card for its threat value, or spending 2 surge per attack that did not miss. Is this correct?

Thanks for your patients!

It says in the notes for each quest. Almost universally (apart from the first quest it seems) the number is 5.

You have covered the normal ways of gaining threat.
Dark Priests (and expansion monster) have and ability (Dark Prayer) that allows them to spend 1 surge for +1R, +1D, 1Threat (yes, all three).
There is also Corrupted Terrain (again, from an expansion) that gives the OL 1 threat each time a fatigue is spent while in a corrupted space and 2 threat for each wound suffered by a hero on a corrupted space.

Specifically, it says in the "Quest Goals" text of the quest, usually towards the end. And I'm fairly sure that the first quest starts you with 5, though I don't have my quest book handy to check.

Gah! It's right there in front of me. I was looking for the value in a spot that stood out more; it feels a bit tucked away in the text.

Thanks Guys,


russ_c said:

Thanks for your patients!

I don't have any sick people, though. =P

russ_c said:

Gah! It's right there in front of me. I was looking for the value in a spot that stood out more; it feels a bit tucked away in the text.

Yeah, you're not the first to be confused.