Descent at Cons? (like a league or something)

By Kizan2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Couple of my college buddies and I see each other every year at Origins and GenCon. Play some games and have fun. We went to Origins and GenCon this year and both times played Descent and Sea of Blood in the FFG area. At the end they purchased the Descent JitD set. Really had fun playing as it's just a pick up and play type game. Long but not too long and complex but not too much so either.

We also played WotC 4e and Living Forgotten Realms D&D. Got us to talking about some kind of league/society/living group that would play Descent at cons or at FLGS. We really liked playing Descent with FFG folks, but I don't want to talk up their demo table space with half a table of players that know how to play (at least somewhat). Nobody seemed to know of any groups that did that. When I looked at the catalog for the cons there weren't any other Descent slots listed that weren't FFG demo slots.

Is there something like this going on already? When I asked at the FFG HQ they said they have kicked it around some but it didn't sound like it had made it any further than that.

I don't have any suggestions as to how to form such a group or what changes would need be done to the rules/game to make it fit into a con environment. I just know that I had a really good time playing and want to do it again.

