Ok so I finally got my copy of Runebound in the mail monday and I played my first game monday night. I have a few thoughts because unfortunately my first play was less than satisfactory. Now this might be the case for a number of reasons. One reason is that I had just played Arkham Horror again a couple days earlier. Another reason might be because I was super tired from work and on top of trying to keep my eyes open I was trying to teach myself a new game with all sorts of new rules and whatnot so it got frustrating at times lol. With that being said this is what's on my mind.
The game seems easy. My fiance and I played and she didn't even play any green adventures. She started right into the yellows and just beat the game mercilessly. We played for a while but the both of us just destroyed anything we went up against and she was the one that started going to the red cards first. She would draw a red card, beat it to death, and then wash rinse repeat until she had 3 dragon runes and the game was over. So i couldn't believe how fast and easy we beat the game and then just for the hell of it I looked at the card for lord Margath(sp?) and he was less that scary. His ability was you could escape for free but he was stay undefeated and that was it. He didn't have any of his own scary abilities so basically he is just all stats. That bothers me because he is essentially the end boss, the guy you DON'T want to fight. But if you do there's a good chance you'll win fairly easily. In fact just to see we had my fiance fight his card after the game ended and she owned his face. Now comparing this to Arkham when an ancient one awakens you're pretty much screwed or at least close to it. Which is awesome it adds a lot of fear and urgency to the game and then if you happen to fight it and win you feel EXTREMELY satisfied. Well not with margath...he was kind of a wuss.
Another thing I didn't like were the adventure cards. There weren't a whole lot of them. My fiance and I almost went through the majority of the decks and we were only 2 players. With my normal group of 4-5 I can only imagine how fast we get through them. I know that there are countless expansion decks you can buy but some of them say to replace an entire deck and not add to it. So that is something I'm going to need to look into to see about giving us more cards to play with. My other gripe with the cards was that they only seemed pretty similar. They were either monsters, which were not very hard, or they were events that were pretty bland in my opinion and didn't have that exciting flavor that Talisman or Arkham cards have. So once again I think I'll have to check out some expansions. I can only hope that these gripes are taken care of by more cards.
So I think as I look back those are some of my main problems with this game. I think the next time I play I'm going to try some of the variants listed in the rule book like the random encounters when you land on an empty space on the board or the doom track variant. But basically I'm looking to make the game harder, more flavorful, and more fun. Oh and now that I think about it where was the story line? I know that someone is trying to resurrect a dragon god but it was never really mentioned in any of the event cards or anything so after the initial read of the story at the beginning of play I kind of forgot about it which bugged me because I'm a huge fan of a good story line. I hear that Sands of Al-Kalim is good because you get to "tell your own story" but that is a bit further down the road for me.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated since I have massive faith in this game. I feel that with the right expansions and maybe some house rules this game can be as fun for my group as Talisman or Arkham Horror.