Considering Purchase for 2 players

By Drakson, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have looked at this game off and on for a while. Been reading a few of the rules on the support page. I have been trying to buy games that my wife and I can play and games with different mechanics to keep things interesting. There are a lot of expansions so what would be a couple of good ones to start with and in what order. Or...would the base game keep things going for a while before needing an expansions. Is the Compendium a good purchase for later or should be base game with expansions last for a long while.

I have not played any games with an Overlord except for Tomb:Cyrptmaster but in that game we take turns being the overload depending on whose turn it is. I am thinking in Descent my wife would be Overlord and I would play 3 characters most of the time. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

Two players, with one player controlling 3-4 heroes, works pretty well, as long as you can keep track of everything. Don't play with fewer than 3 heroes.

The expansions add a good deal of stuff, but they're not required, and it's more stuff to learn. You probably want to try out the base game first to learn the rules and see how you like it.

Two expansions are special: Road to Legend and Sea of Blood are "extended campaign" expansions, which add a new play mode where the heroes and overlord build up power over multiple dungeons and travel around a world map. Some players swear by the extended campaign, others don't care for it.

The Quest Compendium is bad: it seems the quests were written mostly by people unfamiliar with Descent, and the editing is terrible. It's got 10 pages of errata, and some stuff still isn't resolved satisfactorily (for comparison, all other official quests combined have...maybe half a page of errata?). And besides, you can really play for quite a long time before you need more quests to play, especially if you've got expansions (9 base game + 3 free downloadable + 21 between 3 expansions). And there are lots of fan-made quests you can play, too. And if you're playing extended campaigns by that point, then of course it's completely useless.

I also mainly play with 2 players. It makes things more interesting when the heroes are all controlled by 1 player. They can surprise the OL much easier, since 1 player doesn't have to discuss his plans with himself. The heroes don't have any private information among themselves anyways, there is no in game difference between 1 person playing 4 heroes, 4 people playing 4 heroes, and 16 people playing 4 heroes.

I think I will order this game on my next order in a couple of weeks. I always play the Bad Guy against my wife. For example I am play destruction in Warhammer Invasion card game and she plays order. I thought I would like this game but didn't see how we could play it. Then the other day when we playing Talisman she just loves it when I am turned to a toad or something bad happens to me and I thought "I let her be the OL in Descent and she can do all the bad stuff she wants." I think this will be a good game for us as we do not have any other games that are similar. Thanks for the imput.

We are playing 2 players, 1 controlling 4 heros ,1 controlling the OL, and to be honest it runs a lot faster than with 4 players controlling 1 hero each, as the 4 hero players tend to argue/discuss tactics quite a lot during their turns, 1 player controlling all 4 heros doesn't have to argue/discuss, so moves along a lot faster.

First time we played with 4 player heros, their turn could take 30-40 minutes cos they talked so much!