RTL dungeon #4-The Bridge of Death

By zealot12, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The card text for the dungeon mentions the presence of preset pits on this level, but I don't see any depicted on the map for this dungeon. The level description in the rulebook seems to suggest that the pits are the darkened tiles in the red(non-spawn) zone of the level. Is that so?

I don't have the map handy, but from memory: shortly after the starting area there is a bridge that is 2 squares wide. On either side of the bridge are two large pits. IIRC there should be a pre-printed tile for the bridge itself.

zealot12 said:

The card text for the dungeon mentions the presence of preset pits on this level, but I don't see any depicted on the map for this dungeon. The level description in the rulebook seems to suggest that the pits are the darkened tiles in the red(non-spawn) zone of the level. Is that so?

A few of the indoor tiles that came with RtL have pre-printed terrain on them. You have to look closely for some of them - it took me a while to realize the dark squares on the "checkerboard" hallway tile were actually pits!

Anyway, yes. You are correct that the darker areas in the red zone are pits, if you look at your RtL tiles you'll find one of them has pits along each side exactly like that tile in the map. Make sure you build this map with the correct tiles so that the permanent pits are present.

And then do everything you can to knock heroes into the pits so they insta-die!

Thanks for the help, guys!. Gonna play this level right now. A shame that the leader only gains knockback on a blank power die. Interestingly,from experience I've found that rolling a silver die results in more blanks than any other power die, which is strange since they all have only one blank side.

Another general question: can heroes trade/redistribute items and potions between dungeon levels?

Steve-O said:

- it took me a while to realize the dark squares on the "checkerboard" hallway tile were actually pits!

You sure about that? They just look like dark squares to me, with similar artwork to the light squares but.. well... darker.

Plus the text in X Marks the Spot where they are actually used implies they are normal squares.

And, heroes may redistribute potions and items between dungeons, but not between Dungeon Levels so far as I'm aware.

inle_badger said:

Steve-O said:

- it took me a while to realize the dark squares on the "checkerboard" hallway tile were actually pits!

You sure about that? They just look like dark squares to me, with similar artwork to the light squares but.. well... darker.

Plus the text in X Marks the Spot where they are actually used implies they are normal squares.

And, heroes may redistribute potions and items between dungeons, but not between Dungeon Levels so far as I'm aware.

and +1

We've started an argument during this level, but I'm uncertain whether my brother broke the rules or not(he commands all the heroes). Here's the scenario:

From the starting glyph, Kirga declares a run action, spending fatigue for extra movement(one fatigue was spent for using a vitality potion effectively replenishing his fatigue again and using it all to reach the second glyph on this level, which is located close to the exit and the dungeon leader. Then the other heroes used the newly activated glyph to teleport to the dungeon and killed the leader in one turn.

Is that legal? This was all accmplished on the first turn of the dungeon, but I was under the impression that at the beginning of the level all the heroes start on the first activated glyph (even if there's no way to indicate that on the map) and thus can't teleport to the second glyph on their very first turn even if it was made available for travel by one of the heroes who moved prior.

You're correct, that's illegal. Heroes start each dungeon level on or next to the starting glyph and would have to spend a turn returning to town before doing what you describe.

inle_badger said:

You're correct, that's illegal. Heroes start each dungeon level on or next to the starting glyph and would have to spend a turn returning to town before doing what you describe.

Agreed, at least in RtL.

In an apparent (and insane, what moron decided on that change!?!) change in SoB only heroes that went through the portal start adjacent to the starting glyph. So if the other three heroes had finished the previous level in town, such a tactic would be legal.

PS OLing 101. Always, always, always have a monster set up on the unactivated glyph, unless Astarra is in the party. And even then, have a monster on the glyph so the heroes won't be able to port out of it until you move off (barring fly/acrobat), or just in case she is busy, or just on general principles!

inle_badger said:

You're correct, that's illegal. Heroes start each dungeon level on or next to the starting glyph and would have to spend a turn returning to town before doing what you describe.

So they could activate a glyph on the first turn but not use it as they are judged to have used the starting position glyph to arrive on the map in the first place?

Mordak said:

inle_badger said:

You're correct, that's illegal. Heroes start each dungeon level on or next to the starting glyph and would have to spend a turn returning to town before doing what you describe.

So they could activate a glyph on the first turn but not use it as they are judged to have used the starting position glyph to arrive on the map in the first place?

No. They can actvate the glyph but they can't use it because they didn't start adjacent to it*. They also start every level inside the dungeon beside the starting glyph, not in town (in RtL).

* Note that glyphs do not work the same way as they do in vanilla. You must start adjacent to a glyph to use it to port out of teh dungeon and it takes your entire turn to do so (you get a restock turn in town instead of a normal turn).

Corbon said:

* Note that glyphs do not work the same way as they do in vanilla. You must start adjacent to a glyph to use it to port out of teh dungeon and it takes your entire turn to do so (you get a restock turn in town instead of a normal turn).

I'd forgotten about the adjacent rule for RTL. Thanks.

Well, it seems I've played incorrectly with regards to cancellation of guard and rest orders; I thought that one damage(before armor is applied) is enough to remove the order from the hero, but the rules say "one wound".

Regarding hero death in dungeons: do dead heroes stay one turn in Tamalir before returning to the dungeon with full wounds and fatigue? Because the rules state that dead heroes return on their next turn: does the term "next turn" apply to the hero's turn in sequential order or to the party's next turn in the dungeon?

zealot12 said:

I've found that rolling a silver die results in more blanks than any other power die, which is strange since they all have only one blank side.

It'd be funny if FFG actually did use weighted dice... gui%C3%B1o.gif

zealot12 said:

Well, it seems I've played incorrectly with regards to cancellation of guard and rest orders; I thought that one damage(before armor is applied) is enough to remove the order from the hero, but the rules say "one wound".

Regarding hero death in dungeons: do dead heroes stay one turn in Tamalir before returning to the dungeon with full wounds and fatigue? Because the rules state that dead heroes return on their next turn: does the term "next turn" apply to the hero's turn in sequential order or to the party's next turn in the dungeon?

It applies to that particular hero's next turn, which may be during the current round (if the hero has not yet taken his turn) or the next round. The only time the hero effectively 'misses' a turn is when he dies at the start of his turn due to an effect token (eg bleed, burn). Killing a hero early in his turn with a trap is also effective. Both ways the heroes lose the remainder of their 'current' turn and cannot return until next round.

It is pretty simple if you pay careful attention to the concepts of 'turns' and 'rounds'.

inle_badger said:

Steve-O said:

- it took me a while to realize the dark squares on the "checkerboard" hallway tile were actually pits!

You sure about that? They just look like dark squares to me, with similar artwork to the light squares but.. well... darker.

Plus the text in X Marks the Spot where they are actually used implies they are normal squares.

Well when I squint at the artwork it looks like there are walls descending into the depths on the dark squares (obscured by the floor on the light squares as one would expect.) It looks like the same "walls of the pit" art used on regular pits to me. Of course, I'm not as young as I used to be and while I don't need glasses just yet, it's possible my eyesight fails me.

If the only place this tile gets used does not invoke these squares as pits then I'm willing to concede it's just my imagination. Of course, I also wouldn't put it past FFG to make a tile with pits like this and then not use it as such in dungeon levels. That sort of miscommunication seems to happen every now and then (see whirlpool and cave on opposite sides of the same tile in SoB.)

Hitting a Hero but not killing him in the OL turn can be a bit of a pain.

But dropping a trap on him when he starts his turn, both killing him and ending his turn is very satisfying.

Steve-O said:

Well when I squint at the artwork it looks like there are walls descending into the depths on the dark squares (obscured by the floor on the light squares as one would expect.) It looks like the same "walls of the pit" art used on regular pits to me. Of course, I'm not as young as I used to be and while I don't need glasses just yet, it's possible my eyesight fails me.

BGG has a pic of the tile . Those are definitely pit walls.

Not these ones though. (Which I assume are the ones Steve-O means by "the checkerboard")

inle_badger said:

Not these ones though. (Which I assume are the ones Steve-O means by "the checkerboard")

Yeah, those are the ones I was thinking of. Looking at them again now I'm not sure how I convinced myself they were pits. Sorry for the insane ramblings of an aging gamer. =P

/message edited.

Wrong thread.