Rtl dungeon lvl 26(trial by fire)

By Moneseki, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

In the named dungeon lvl, are the named monsters/lvl leaders allowed to open the rune-locked door to the next section? Effectivly triggering all 3 sections at the same time, releasing a huge amount of monsters?

And also....can someone link to the FAQ? just cant find it now...

No, it says that when a leader of one section is killed, the door to the next section is immediately unlocked.

But, am I completely mistaken when a named monster can open a runelocked door? I was of that impression, yet I cant find it in my books atm. If so, nothing to my knowledge would prevent the named lvlleader to really open the door, yet it seems quite overwhelming for the heroes to face 3 sections at the same time.

Well, named monsters can indeed open and close rune-locked doors as long as the doors in question are on the threshold of two explored areas, but the special rules of this dungeon override the general ruling.

zealot12 said:

Well, named monsters can indeed open and close rune-locked doors as long as the doors in question are on the threshold of two explored areas, but the special rules of this dungeon override the general ruling.

which special rule do you refer to? The dungeon level is divided into sections, we conclude it is not areas, hence the entire map is revealed when the heroes enter the dungeon. Therefore the lvlleader should be able to open the runelocked door and release the monsters in the next section. Yet, as said it seems very hard to the heroes if all 3 sections are opened at once.

Moneseki said:

zealot12 said:

Well, named monsters can indeed open and close rune-locked doors as long as the doors in question are on the threshold of two explored areas, but the special rules of this dungeon override the general ruling.

which special rule do you refer to? The dungeon level is divided into sections, we conclude it is not areas, hence the entire map is revealed when the heroes enter the dungeon. Therefore the lvlleader should be able to open the runelocked door and release the monsters in the next section. Yet, as said it seems very hard to the heroes if all 3 sections are opened at once.

Yes they can open the doors.

Note that the special rule tells you an unusual time/effect that the doors unlock. It does not restrict the doors from unlocking/opening in 'usual' ways.

The reason that this does not make the dungeon insanely difficult is that another special rule for that level says that when one of those doors open all monsters left inside the earlier area die, or something like that. So when you open the last door with the demon, any monsters in the first two 'rooms' die (can't remember if that includes the other bosses), be they original monsters or spawned monsters.
In other words, it isn't worth it unless the heroes have already almost cleared the preceding rooms.

The reason that this does not make the dungeon insanely difficult is that another special rule for that level says that when one of those doors open all monsters left inside the earlier area die, or something like that. So when you open the last door with the demon, any monsters in the first two 'rooms' die (can't remember if that includes the other bosses), be they original monsters or spawned monsters.

In other words, it isn't worth it unless the heroes have already almost cleared the preceding rooms.

The monsters in that section dies when the leader for that section dies, not when the new section is revealed. I believe all named monsters can just bugger off to section three and hide there. Yet, it seems like it is a legal move to open the door, so we play it that way and see how much time the OL can stall us.

It would be too difficult to play if you adopt the general rule for rune-locked doors on this level. It can be difficult even without it, since the overlord may spawn many monsters in the larger section with the demon, if he's drawn a good hand, and has accumulated enough threat to pay for spawn restrictions, while heroes are busy fighting the leaders in the first two sections(granted, the first leader is a cakewalk, if the overlord hasn't upgraded his beasts).

This is one of the only levels we've ever fled from, though that wasn't because the OL opened doors. We'd have probably fared exactly the same if he had since we pushed forward almost as quickly as he could have opened the doors himself. The reason we had to flee was the demon boss's fear was too strong (IIRC he was silver and we were in early copper).

Same here. This level terminated my first venture into the campaign with the heroes. The overlord had upgraded his Eldritch to silver, this was the last of the three levels of dungeons and the overlord had drawn two Danger cards from the deck having already amassed enough threat from the previous level where I was bombarded with silver dark priests.

Actually, if you move quickly that level is relatively easy due to the rule about monsters in the section dying when the door opens.