Just to confirm...multiple leaders in Legends question

By corsair2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I am running a Legends game now, and was reading through the FAQ and found something that should help the players out. I am just looking to confirm the ruling's meaning by citing an example and the results of the rule.

The FAQ states that if a dungeon level has multiple leaders, each is worth the leader coin+conquest reward. No example is given, so I want to make one here for the sake of clarity. Legends dungeon #15, The Crypt, has three leaders. If the party is able to kill all three, (and they remain dead after the roll for Undying), the part should gain 6xp and 300 gold typically. Is this correct for the first two levels? (The corresponding value for level 3 of a normal dungeon would therefore be 12 and 750 gold.)

Thanks all, apologies if this was specifically confirmed via example previously.

Yup, that is correct. They get the CT and Gold for each leader on the level.

Thanks Remy!

It seemed pretty clear, but I like going through the motions of an example for clarification.