By Rainbow Randolph, in Agrabah Bazaar

i have a bunch of rares from Break of dawn and light and darkness at $2 some $1 each nothing higher just ask for quantities have everything except jack sparrow. i accept paypal. cash accepted on orders over $10 but you will have to send first sorry. (will also trade in bulk for some magic the gathering cards if you have any for MTG extended then hit me with offers i have EVERY KH CARD so send me your wants with your MTG haves and we can work something out)

also heres a link to my Break of dawn SR outlet on ebay and keep and eye out because next week ill rotate in more SR's. free shipping!!

every BoD SR is now 2 dollars with free shipping (yuffie and auron are 5 ea. may reduce depending on how much you buy) Paypal and cash accepted. gotta unload these things they take up to much space!!!!aldo have some old set SRs and foil promos, all $2 or less all rares %.50-$1

i need


3x Panics

1x Barbosa

As many dusk as you have


end of the world SR.

Price? (email is below)

a whole lot is available full of 250Srs 250 Rs and over 500 commons and uncommons accepting offers.

i need these if you have them:


3x Yuffie Set 3 (2xSuper Rare)
2x Kairi Lv 0 SR
1x OathKeeper Equipment
2x Oblivion Attack Card
1x Oathkeeper Attack Card
2x Ultima Weapon SR
1x The King
1x Cloud
1x Sephiroth
1x Rai
1x Seifer
1x Pence
1x Hayner
1x Vivi
1x Samurai Nobody
2x Axel
3x Rings
2x Tinkerbell SR's Lv 0,2,3,4
2x Ariel SR's Lv 1,2
Xx Excess Promo's you have

Also Do you have any of the Japanese card's/Set's? i need quite a lot so lmk, also for all your cards if you have a list of everything i can easily look at that and let you know what all i need from you.

my Friend has a lot of Magic cards that i might be able to get as well.

what i have from your list

1x Yuffie Set 3 R
2x Kairi Lv 0 SR
1x OathKeeper Equipment
2x Oblivion Attack Card
1x Oathkeeper Attack Card
1x Ultima Weapon SR
1x The King
1x Sephiroth
1x Rai
1x Seifer
1x Pence
1x Hayner
1x Vivi
1x Samurai Nobody
2x Axel
3x Rings
2x Tinkerbell SR's Lv 0

Xx Excess Promo's you have

4 kairi foils
4 Fllag sora Foils
2 Halloween Sora foils
1 Simba foil
6 flag sora NF
4 Rku NF
4 Kairi NF
2 Snow white NF

email me an offer if youd like you can let me know about some MTG cards to.

sen't you an email about our trade