That Sir Valadir has fallen victim to the overlord once again? In ToI, I believe that is his corpse lining the ice wyrm's stomach.
Ever notice...
Acolyte Rivan said:
That Sir Valadir has fallen victim to the overlord once again? In ToI, I believe that is his corpse lining the ice wyrm's stomach.
Nah, its a mass-produced helmet. Could be any poor schmuck who visited 'Joe's Arms and Armour Emporium' to equip.
The girls really go for the feathered look ( ), hence the popularity of the helmet. Unfortunately, so do the monsters...
Yea, good one. Thinking about it, Sir Valadir seems to be one of the favourites for the game development group. He always reapears in the instruction manuals (even in RtL, where his ability is explained). And to think I have never played with nor against him. It seems his helmet doesn't work on me since I'm not a girl nor a monster.
Which expansion came with Kobolds as a new monster? I am asking this since I am wondering: Have you ever noticed in the graphic example depicting the Kobold's special ability, that the monster icon used is of some sort of (un)known hairy thing? (And of couse there is Sir Valadir being swarmed.)
It was Well of Darkness, and yeah I always assumed that the things attacking Sir Valadir were just Kobolds wearing furs or something hanging out with a Beastman.
He is also crushed by a boulder in the example for boulder movement.
I think he likes it....the way he keeps smiling (masochistic). The deriving of sexual gratification, or the tendency to derive sexual gratification, from being physically or emotionally abused.