larienna said:
This is why I found the mechanic broken.
No as broken as you think. It takes a turn to go down into the catacombs, and a turn to come up. Then you have to encounter the space you arrived on the turn after you come up. So the shortest trip to the catacombs still takes three turns:
Turn 1: descend to catacombs. Replace fig with marker. Do NOT draw catacomb card.
Turn 2: Draw catacomb card. It's an exit! Move forward one, deviate 1-6 spaces, and emerge. End your turn.
Turn 3: encounter the room you emerged in. DO NOT MOVE or SEARCH.
Turn 4: Finally, I can move!
So, at best, if you exit the catacombs on the first card you draw and then deviate 6 spaces, you only get an extra 4 spaces of movement for the cost of 3 turns.
And that will be the excpetion, not the rule. Average deviation will be 3.5 spaces. I need to count catacomb cards to see how many exit there are, but I imagine it's one out of every 3-4 cards, call it 3 for example's sake. It will take me 6 turns to enter, travel 3 cards, exit, and encounter the exit room. Let's say I deviate high average4 squares. Forward 3, over 4 = 7 squares at the cost of 6 turns. Sure, I got one extra square, but faced tougher challenges and the had no idea where I would resurface!