Wasn't Sea of Blood announced at Gencon last year?
Are we expecting any sort of expansion announcements at this one? Man - what I would give for a vanilla expansion...
Wasn't Sea of Blood announced at Gencon last year?
Are we expecting any sort of expansion announcements at this one? Man - what I would give for a vanilla expansion...
You sure u'd give anything?
What if u were asked to give ur Descent base set in exchange for the vanilla expansion
Wanderer999 said:
You sure u'd give anything?
What if u were asked to give ur Descent base set in exchange for the vanilla expansion
Yeah yeah. Ok - "what I would give" would be $40-50...
No news from Indy? No one over there who posts something 'bout Descent world?
Please, please please....
TheHunterBoy said:
No news from Indy? No one over there who posts something 'bout Descent world?
Please, please please....
I can't remember what they did last year - but isn't there a point where they do some formal "unveiling?"
I just feel like last year we knew it was coming... well - that something for Descent was coming. I'm just fearful that with Dungeonquest technically being a Terrinoth game - we might get passed up on this year for the Descent series... HOPING NOT!
I've been waiting for new things for Descent. I still think splitting up expansions into different pieces might be the way to go. (Heroes + Hero Cards as a set, Overlord cards as a set, tiles as a set, monsters as a set, etc). It would make things overall a bit cheaper I think... people could get what they want.
Tashiro said:
I've been waiting for new things for Descent. I still think splitting up expansions into different pieces might be the way to go. (Heroes + Hero Cards as a set, Overlord cards as a set, tiles as a set, monsters as a set, etc). It would make things overall a bit cheaper I think... people could get what they want.
Yeah - my only thing with that is I think:
A: it actually gets more expensive - as when you add them all up - gets to be more expensive... and you know you will want all of them!
B: I would totally just get the OL decks for more ways to mess with my heroes - and monsters - but would probably skip the heroes and skills for them "until I could afford them." Full box expansions keep it an even playing field.
That being said - I would figure out how to get them all at once - as a "full expansion"
I really hope they announce a new vanilla expansion - AND - a consolidated rule book. obviously not with all the dungeons in it - but a fully combined rule book with the FAQ repaired into the rules. A comprehensive guide... could be cool if it was like binder bound - so future rule books could be bound in this book as well... But that's just what I want.
Unfortunately, it seems that all that we'll get from this GenCon (as Descent fans) would be only those new 6 characters from Dungeonquest
Ya know what I almost am starting to wish for with Descent? A version 2.0 that clears up the rules and fixes the many flaws with the game. Since it now has 5 expansions and making it backward compatible would be almost impossible I doubt it will ever happen, but still it'd be awesome if they did something like that. I'd much rather have that then another poorly put together expansion. Goodness knows I love more content, but SoB just blew out of the water any faith I had left in FFG to make a coherent set of workable, playtested rules. I love Descent, but the rules for it and its expansions are so muddled and there are so many balance issues it can be a real headache sometimes. Heck even the FAQ is a joke, it confuses issues more than it clarifies them half the time, and many glaring questions are left totally unanswered (I'm looking at you Sea of Blood).
I suppose a consolidated and clarified rulebook would be nice, maybe make it with a rebalanced version 2.0 ruleset that utilized all the old content? I would LOVE that and buy it in a heartbeat. But it would actually have to be written by someone who could make rules with clarity, not the drunken monkeys who've been editingwriting the past rulebooks. Ah well in the meantime it would seem I'll have to content myself with Enduring Evil as my version 2.0 . I also agree with the consensus that there is nothing for Descent forthcoming this year (other than that hardback Sea of Blood board, yippee.... ).