So after 4 quests playing the OL I finally convinced my friend to be the overlord and I'm running quest 5 w/3 heroes (Silhouette, Steelhorns and Landrec). I've frustrated him to no end because I have Silhouette (5 movement) w/Acrobat and I'm running her through all the monsters he sets up, activating glyphs and popping into town. I then have Landrec pop in (he has divine retrib. AND the frost rune which he always has a blast 3 on due to surges from his innate ability and skill - so the OL is damned either way) and blast almost everyone, with Steelhorns cleaning up as needed (frankly he is completely marginalized). The quest, frankly, has been a cakewalk for me (it's not over but I have 12 conquest) but I'm running it the way I always wanted HIM to play - fast and loose, and abandoning old areas withOUT picking up every potion, gold pile, etc. I think one advantage here is the map is a bunch of hallways Silhouette just manages to get down in time, but I digress....
Is it "broken" if a hero were to have: acrobat, the skill w/+2 move and the skill with +2fatigue? This hero would, like Sihouette, be a running scout, activating glyphs, picking up treasure (which is risky) as needed, and the other 2 heroes would literally be along for the ride? I have been lucky as she has only fallen into 1 pit and opening treasure has not turned her into a monkey, etc. I will say the combo with her and a blast/exploding Landrec (who only gives 2 conquest at death) is particularly AWESOME for heroes but humiliating for the OL. I'm sure he's wishing he could dark charm a Landrec in the dungeon to kill/cripple the other 2 heroes, but he already used the card early and needs a deck reshuffle to get at it. Oh well...maybe this is just a lucky draw for the heroes? Any comments are welcome!