Mnomquah's Serpent & Guardian Pillar

By teleologica, in CoC Rules Discussion

Had a game today and we ran into an odd situation.

I played Guardian Pillar, which is a support card but may be exhausted to commit as a character.

My opponent, playing Cthulhu, waited until I had committed with the Pillar, then played Mnomquah's Serpent on it. My questions are:

1. Can he do this? GP is a support card, but commits as a character. Can he attach it while it is committed?

2. If he can attach it, does it remain attached after GP uncommits from the story?

3. If it remains attached, then does GP count as a character or does it revert to support?

We started playing it that the GP stays as a character and the serpent remains attached; but then realised this made it virtually impossible to deal with it. Any thoughts?

teleologica said:

Had a game today and we ran into an odd situation.

I played Guardian Pillar, which is a support card but may be exhausted to commit as a character.

My opponent, playing Cthulhu, waited until I had committed with the Pillar, then played Mnomquah's Serpent on it. My questions are:

1. Can he do this? GP is a support card, but commits as a character. Can he attach it while it is committed?

2. If he can attach it, does it remain attached after GP uncommits from the story?

3. If it remains attached, then does GP count as a character or does it revert to support?

We started playing it that the GP stays as a character and the serpent remains attached; but then realised this made it virtually impossible to deal with it. Any thoughts?

1. Yes he can.

2. Yes it does. Note that this is due to a change in the FAQ 1.1 Previously it wouldn't have stayed attached, since the condition for the attachment was no longer fulfilled.

3. It reverts to a support card. As noted above, as of FAQ 1.1. this does not affect the attached card.

Thanks jhaelen. I guess I should have checked the FaQ straight away!

Just be aware that although those are most likely the correct answers, we cannot be positive because of lack of ruling from FFG about mutable creatures. We can only guess, but cannot make an indisputable conclusion.

Sorry guys, but I don't agree with you !!!

Du to this silly new rulings on the guardian Pillar the which states : " Also, it is important to note that
Guardian Pillar is no longer a support card while it is a character, and that it does retain its name and uniqueness.

Remind p 7 (Faq 1.1) : "When a card changes type (character, support, event, or story), any cards
that are attached to it are immediately discarded from play.

So, the Mmoemquat serpent disappears ....

I totally dislike the change made to the rules with this ruling, which one is totally silly, as there is nothing you can do now to stop the Pillar (no more Forced Forclosure to still the support, as it will revert to the opponent as soon as you'll try to use it's effect).

You cannot use the Burrowing beneath anymore during the story phase once committed....

FFG did'nt explain why they did such a change, which make the card bigger that it was previously. Will anyone at GENCON grab James or NAte's arm to discuss this point with them, as it will have a lot more consequences in the Meta ...


Sorry guys, but I don't agree with you !!!

Du to this silly new rulings on the guardian Pillar the which states : " Also, it is important to note that
Guardian Pillar is no longer a support card while it is a character, and that it does retain its name and uniqueness.

I wonder if it is supposed to be a general rule that a card cannot ever have more than one type (character/support/event) at a time?


I totally dislike the change made to the rules with this ruling, which one is totally silly, as there is nothing you can do now to stop the Pillar (no more Forced Forclosure to still the support, as it will revert to the opponent as soon as you'll try to use it's effect).

You cannot use the Burrowing beneath anymore during the story phase once committed....

Well... that's not entirely true about there being nothing you can do. You can destroy it as you destroy any support card when it's not yet committed. You can destroy it as a character in the same way you destroy any invulnerable insanity immune character, etc. Deep One Assault will take care of it whenever, others just have to be played at a more specific time.

Sure, it's definitely a powerhouse of a card, but not too absurdly so.

KallistiBRC said:

Sure, it's definitely a powerhouse of a card, but not too absurdly so.

Or simply own more dreamlands support cards than the opponent with the pillar.... cool.gif