Another 'healing' question

By plutonick, in WFRP Rules Questions

I am having some rules intrepretation issues with my players. I am the GM and I know that the axiom is 'the GM is always right even if he bends the rules, but I want to follow the rules as much as possible (which is a tough task with WFRP 3rd, given that rules are not so clear cut). My gaming group are rather new players (and I am a rather new GM), mostly with a wargaming background, which means they follow the rules to the letter, even if they don't make sense storyywise. The healing/resilience rules are a cause a lot of fiction currently and I would like your take on how to handle the resilience mechanic, according to Rules As Written. I know the whole thing borders on rules lawyering on my and my players part, but I'd rather go by the rules, than bend them at this stage, which I don't think they would accept it (heh). It is flattering that my players like the campaign enough so they don't want to die, but I don't want to give them the feeling that they are immortals. Especially I want them to feel that they play Warhammer and not DnD, where misery, pain and critical wounds, are not removed instantly but they follow them around, at least for an adventure or two.

More specificall we are playing Eye for an Eye with my group and the players claims that :

a) characters may make a resilience check once per chapter. I couldn't find a reference for this particular rule ('resilience' is not included in the index) so I turn to the forums for guidance.

b) After a chapter ends PCs recover wounds equal to their toughness automatically. I argue that if the next chapter takes place imidiately, then they would need to roll a first aid check. I think the confusion stems from the 'Rally step' mechanic, which is another can of worms.

c) The players also claim that after an adventure ends, there is no need for a resilience check since they can take, for instance, a break of 10 months therefore if they were rolling each day, they would eventually succeed in the check. Thus, no need for resilience check 'between adventures', and they reference ToA p37: step 2: healing & recovery
'An interlude often represents a period of downtime where the characters can attempt to recover from the rigours of their adventures,
such as tending to wounds or recovering from stress, fatigue, and other impairments. ')

It doesn't specifically say how many checks you can make. I just assume you can make 1 check (first aid/resilience)

So, no criticals accumulate between adventures, and during an adventure, they can roll for resilience between each chapter.I reply that, in the specific example in Eye for an Eye, it doesn't make sense for a critical to fix itself (by succeeding in a resilience) in the transition of the dinner scene (chapter 2 and 3), unless they are lying in a bed trying to recuperate. Somehow, they are fixated with the mechanics of the game, and not with the story

I also told them that if their reasoning is correct, there would be no need to use criticals at all, but I suppose I can only persuade them by posting in this in the forum and showing them the replies of the others. So, how are you enforcing the frequence of resilience/first aid checks within an adventure, and between adventures?

If they try to recover critical wounds from one chapter to the other, of course there is need to use critical wounds since they can recover only 1 crit at the end of each chapter. Also it's not sure that they will recover it since it is a check

Also according to p37 ToA interlude does NOT occur between adventures BUT occurs between sessions of the same adventure. So I assume that one resi check is enough.

(by the way, Apollwn is one of the players in my group, the Fearless Troll-Slayer 'Vlass Hengelsson')

RB, pg 64

"For every full night's rest a character receives, he recovers a number of normal wounds equal to his Toughness rating."

So, it is up to the GM to determine what is a "full night's rest". Typically, I'd say 7-8 hours of uninterrupted rest (not necessarily sleeping, but low-physical activity counts as well). If a PC doesn't have this, then they don't get the wound recovery. If they don't get the rest recovery, then they don't get a chance to make a resilience check to remvoe criticals, either.

So, if they don't get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted rest, there only other option is a single successful First Aid check for that period of time.

a) characters may make a resilience check once per chapter. I couldn't find a reference for this particular rule ('resilience' is not included in the index) so I turn to the forums for guidance.

No such rule, per se. You may make a Resilience Check if you get a full night's rest, and also if under long-term care (which requires bedrest while being treated, basically). The Resilience check allows the potential to recover from Critical Wounds. So, no, Critical Wounds won't magically go away while PCs are out adventuring and fighting in the middle of an adventure. They'd need 7-8 hours of rest before attempting to recover a Critical.

Or, they are getting confused because at a Rally Step PCs can make a Resilience Check to recover additional Fatigue.

b) After a chapter ends PCs recover wounds equal to their toughness automatically. I argue that if the next chapter takes place imidiately, then they would need to roll a first aid check. I think the confusion stems from the 'Rally step' mechanic, which is another can of worms.

There is no rule that when a Chapter ends that PCs recover wounds. Wounds are recovered/healed through the following actions/events:
- "A full night's rest" recovers T wounds, also allows resilience check to try to heal a Critical wound. Requires a "full night's rest" (which I interpret as 7-8 hours sleep/low-physical activity, but it's up to the GM).
- Long Term Care allows an additional Resilience check (also less difficulty) for additional healing in addition to the "full night's rest". Requires a "proper environment" such as a Shallyan medical Ward, etc.
- First Aid/Immediate Care, which heals normal wounds only based on the number of successes. May occur once per Act, and possibly an additional one per scene (at GM's discretion).
- Healing Draughts, heals normal wounds equal to # of successes on [WWWW]. Only effective 1/day.

So, exactly as you said, if the Chapter transition does not include a period where a "full night's rest" is possible, then the PCs get no healing other than attempting a First Aid check... and only if the GM allows it.

c) The players also claim that after an adventure ends, there is no need for a resilience check since they can take, for instance, a break of 10 months therefore if they were rolling each day, they would eventually succeed in the check. Thus, no need for resilience check 'between adventures', and they reference ToA p37: step 2: healing & recovery
'An interlude often represents a period of downtime where the characters can attempt to recover from the rigours of their adventures,
such as tending to wounds or recovering from stress, fatigue, and other impairments. ')

All Wounds are recovered, but it would be up to the GM to decide how he wanted to handle Criticals. Personally, I would allow the player to roll a single check for the "interlude" and remove all Criticals with a severity less than the successes rolled. I'd have a minimum of 1, so any 1 Severity Criticals will be healed regardless (assuming the Interlude period is significant). I might add a couple fortune dice to the roll, depending on what the player argues. For example, if they plan their PC to stay in bedrest to recover during the Interlude, I'd give a fair number of fortune dice. If they planned to travel, or go shopping, or work at a trade, I'd assign fewer or maybe even none. Anyway, it is entirely up to the GM, because as you pointed out, the rules don't say the characters DO recover, it says they can "attempt to recover".

In general, WFRP works by allowing 1 roll during the period in question, whether act/scene/episode/chapter/interlude. 1 roll/action in a rally step, once per scene, etc. Even during the interlude "rules" it asks for ONE activity for a player. So, 1 recovery Resilience check during the Interlude is perfectly reasonable.

In essence, tell your players they are wrong.

Thanks Dvang. I wish FFG hires you as an editor or rules consultant! I will refer the players to this and see if any more questions come up.