TI3 Reprint

By Muad''dib, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Thought Hammer shows that TI3 will be available again in December 2008. Is this realistic or is January 2009 a better bet? Also, will this be a straight reprint or will it include any corrections based on the FAQ?

I'm going to guess that it's a fairly certain chance that whenever it is reprinted, it will be a straight-up reprint. While corrections would be nice, I'm sure doing that wouldn't be cheap, so it wouldn't be really feasible, alas.

Corrections wouldn't be much of an issue, though I can see why they wouldn't even if I would.

Any further word on when the TI3 reprint will be available?


well, I expected untile 7 jenuary, the date of first deliveries on 2009, but nothing...

and it is still out of print.

I argue they prefer hit the shell with new games before reprint old ones, but I wonder if I will not do better to buy it on e-bay and so on...

I'm quite tired to waste my time so.

Lots of store still have some copy of it.

At least in my region.