So I will do my best to really summarize what one of my heroes was doing (and trying to do... consensus was no - will explain in a sec.) and look for clarity on fatigue being used in combat.
So a hero of mine has the Gauntlets of Power. Clicky the link if you want to reference them. Essentially - all attacks gain 2 surges = gain 1 fatigue.
So the hero has 5 base fatigue. He will use his base fatigue to upgrade his dice, we are playing RtL so he will upgrade power die (using 4 fatigue) and roll (shooting from the hip here just for an example) A Blue, Yellow - and 1 gold and 1 silver die.
Here is where the questions begin:
With the roll shown above - he may for example have rolled 5 surges - he can then take 4 of them to recover 2 more fatigue. (no problems here)
CAN HE - now immediately use that 2 fatigue to add another power die or two to the attack? He obviously has not rolled the cap of 5 power die - BUT - the question essentially is when does he get that fatigue, if it's instant - then no problem with this, if it isn't until the attack is finished - no more die being added - then this may not work. (We said yes to this last night - as there seems to be nothing in the card that would really prohibit it.)
CAN HE - in the middle of his die rolling - spend 1 fatigue (to gain a movement point) to drink a fatigue potion - to recover all his fatigue - to use to add more power die in the middle of an attack? To be step-by-step specific, rolls the die - not enough to kill - wants a bunch more fatigue to add power die - burns 1 fatigue - drinks potion - gets back all fatigue - adds more power die to attack. (I said no way to this one... as me and the other person who OL's occasionally didn't think you could drink any potions mid attack - but I said I would check.)
Thanks for the help!