The rules of using Comander's Card

By smilekinua, in Battles of Westeros

Hi all!

I have some simple questions before my first game on BoW:

1) How many Comander's Cards I can use during my turn (when I have choosen "play Leadership Card" instead "order token" and "pass"?

2) How many times I can use the Comands from Comander's Card? Examples: Jamie Lannister Card has limit of 3 comand tokens but I do not understand well - his Commity Ability does cost the command token? can I do it 3 times? If I can complete the commity ability once a battle, so why there is 3 tokens limit on card?

3) Simple Command Cards (without hero portrait) have not Command Limit - so, can I use it just once on turn and discard (but all commnads from card if I wish)?

I have found some answers, so I understand now how token's limit works.

but I have still the question: How many Leaderchip Cards can I use during my turn (1 of 3 possibilities to choose)?

Thanks in advance

Exactly one. That's why the chapter is called "Play Leadership Card" not "Cards"... gui%C3%B1o.gif

Thanks you. it is clear now.

Keep in mind here Ulug refers to turns as they occur within the command phase (pg 12), not game rounds.