RtL dungeon questions

By Moneseki, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Question 1).

RtL dungeon # 14(Fountain of Life). Now, a rubble(from trap card) is put close to the fountain, and the master beastman positions himself close to it. Standing close to the fountain, his last hitpoint cant be taken away from him. Heroes cant come through, as he blocks the path alongside the rubble. Would look something like this:







E= empty space

R= rubble

B= master beastman

F= fountain of life

Rules for the dungeon is that the master beastman cant lose his last HP if within 3 spaces of the fountain.

Is this a legal move for the OL? Can the beastman position himself there? If so, the heroes will never be able to kill him, nor pass him and continue to the next level. The heroes will never have access to knockbackitems(as we dont have that expansion), and they dont have any skills able to move him. Heroes can only wait for the beastman to move(and OL will naturaly never do that) or flee.

Question 2).

Dungeon lvl 37(Web of lives). Heroes clear all mobs and are free to save all prisoners. Saving 2 of them, and one heros death, 3 heroes are in town. Last hero moves first on following round. He decides to open the door to the next dungeonlevel, and enters. Now, by entering all heroes are off the board, and portal has been entered. Next level is automaticly triggered and heroes start out fresh there. As player I must admit it felt unfair, as we had "saved" the prisoners, 3 heroes were about to pick them up, but needed someone to open the door. Now(I am finished crying over it), I ask if others practice the same rules? Learning from it, next time we would rather pop a fatiguepotion to not let the OL get 4 cheap CPs.

Question 3).

Dungeon lvl 17. A master skeleton dies and crumbles to eh bones. As a bone heap, he can be picked up. It doesnt mention him becoming an item, and doesnt take up any "item" slots. The dungeon card doesnt mention anything of monster being able/unable to pick the bone heap up. Therefore, OL ruled monsters could pick the heap up for 1 MP as stated by the dungeoncard. Does other people agree/disagree with that idea(eventually why)? Now, we kill the runawayskeleton carrying the boneheap, pick it up and move to nearest sarcophagi to put an end to the master bone heap skeleton. Sad thing, there is a hellhound taking up the entire sarcophagispace. This time the heroes read the dungeoncard 2-3 times, and cant find anything about the sarcophagus being occupied, you just have to stand NEXT to the sarco and spend 2 MP to bury the bone heap. No mention of opening the sarcophagus, or it being free of monsters. OL didnt like it, but had to agree thats what is written. Are we lame to rule it that way? It seems strange to bury some bones in the sarcophagi without actually opening(well, the 2 MP is probably meant to open it, throw the bones in, then close it so that it can be searched.....).

Q1) No it is not and its addressed in the FAQ

Dungeon Level 14: The Fountain of Life
If an invulnerable monster blocks a path, the heroes may move through that monster.

Q2) I think I am misunderstanding something. So three of your heroes went to town with villagers and then you opened the door and went through, leaving two behind and the OL got CT for them? And you want to know if you should have been able to have the other heroes come in and get those two? If the answer to both of those are yes, then no, I wouldn't allow it at all.

Q3) JitD rules, look at the chart on pg16. Picking up a token is a hero only action, monsters can't perform it. The only movement actions monsters can perform are open/close a door, use a staircase, and jump over pits. The bone heap is a token. Nothing in the rules allows a monster to pick up anything. As for the sarcophagus, you ruled it correctly.

Moneseki said:

Question 2).

Dungeon lvl 37(Web of lives). Heroes clear all mobs and are free to save all prisoners. Saving 2 of them, and one heros death, 3 heroes are in town. Last hero moves first on following round. He decides to open the door to the next dungeonlevel, and enters. Now, by entering all heroes are off the board, and portal has been entered. Next level is automaticly triggered and heroes start out fresh there. As player I must admit it felt unfair, as we had "saved" the prisoners, 3 heroes were about to pick them up, but needed someone to open the door. Now(I am finished crying over it), I ask if others practice the same rules? Learning from it, next time we would rather pop a fatiguepotion to not let the OL get 4 cheap CPs.

+1 to Remy's answers for Q1 and Q3.
However, Scenario special rules may over-rule the basic rules and allow monsters to pick up tokens. You do need to check the card whether it says 'heroes' (not monsters), 'figures' (monsters) or something similar or just 'the bonepile may be picked up' or similar, which would mean normal rules apply (not monsters).

2) Unfair? You screwed up enormously and the OL benefited. That. is. all.
All you had to do was have 1 of the other heroes move first and come back into the dungeon...
This is an Advanced Campaign . Mistakes get punished. Sometimes tiny mistakes get harshly punished. I bet you won't make that one again!

I agree with both Remy and Corbon's answers.

Also, regarding the sarcophagus; I think you played it correctly in terms of allowing the hero to off the bones, however, without access to my books I have to question if the hellhound could be standing on the sarcophagus in the first place. Do sarcophagi not block movement? I would have thought they did, but again I don't have access to my books right now.

Corbon said:

Scenario special rules may over-rule the basic rules and allow monsters to pick up tokens. You do need to check the card whether it says 'heroes' (not monsters), 'figures' (monsters) or something similar or just 'the bonepile may be picked up' or similar, which would mean normal rules apply (not monsters).


The Princess can definitely be picked up by monsters in that one JitD quest; it depends on the wording on the card.