
By salarus, in Runebound

Hey everyone!

Quick question...just got the game yesterday and played for the first time, had a lot of fun. The rules were pretty easy and by a few turns we were running pretty well. However, I got the 1st edition of the game not realizing that there was a second edition. My question is how easy would it be to convert my 1st editon version of the game to the more current 2nd edition. Is it even possible to do this? I know there are some changes to the board, but are the cards easy enough to alter to make them more in line with 2nd edition rules?

Thanks for any help!

On of the main differences that I know of is that the first edition uses a 20-sided dice, while the second edition uses two 10-sided dice.

I am not sure about the other differences.

There's a thread here on the Runebound FFG forum called "Update for 2nd Edition?" that may prove helpful.

The topic has also been well-covered over on BGG. Here's a link to get you started...


If you browse the various forums and threads over there, you'll find others addressing the topic. Have fun!