Planet error in the 3-6 players scenario "eye of the storm"

By zrgrvsh, in StarCraft


yesterday we played a round of the scenario "eye of the storm" with 5 players, but at the setup we noticed, that there is an error about the planet-configuration in the manual. For the zerg-players it says to put bases on the planets Braken and Halcyon, but these two planets werent printed on the setup-picture and neither are they in the list of planets to be used for this scenario.
We placed them then as we think it would make the most sense, on Hydrax and Chau Sara, but it would be good to have an official source, where to put the starting bases and units.

One of the Terran's starting position seems to be wrong, too. It was directly next to a protoss starting position, which doesn't make much sense.

So we put him at the free end of the "nearly swastika".

No, i looked over it in the morning and that seems to be right in the rules, we just accidentally switchted the two planets "Tarsonis" and "Antiga Prime" in our game. They do look so even ;)

I've just made a picture of what the starting positions are regarding the rules, if i made no mistake, plus the two zerg-positions with the wrong planet eg. where i would put them to make the most sense.

Looks kinda weird though, with the second terran (Arcturus Mensk) directly besides the target planet.


Sorry for the confusions. Here are your clarifications:

?Z2? is Correct

?Z1? and T1 should be switched

I hope you had a good game!

So is there still a print error?

YourBestFriend said:

Sorry for the confusions. Here are your clarifications:

?Z2? is Correct

?Z1? and T1 should be switched

I hope you had a good game!

Thanks, then we played it exactly right, even though it was wrong in the rules ;)
And yes, we had a good game, the new Elements are awesome.

Are you sure that Z1 and T1 should be switched? After my last game I think that Arcturus Mengsk is too close to the Overmind - his team won in turn 2 because he gave the first order on Torus and attacked with his last units from his base (maybe Overmind player should attacked stronger?). I think that zerg players should surround the target.

And I have a question about "The quest for Uraj and Khalis" scenario. Shouldn't tassadar start on Tarsonis? Victory says that team 1 wins if both crystals are in friendly base on either Antiga Prime (where starts Queen) and/or Tarsonis. It is weird that Tassadar don't start on Tarsonis or Queen on Pridewater.

You're probably right, i just misread it again and thought that ?Z1? and T2 should be switched, thats how we played it and how i thinkit would make the most sense.

I thought that too on the "Quest for Uraj & Khalis", but it wasnt so obvious like in "Eye of the storm". Maybe its there for a balancing reason, but probably not ;)

They should really make a FAQ soon.

It wasn't obvious how to play Raynor and Mengsk as a single player, too (when you play the scenario with 5 players). You have red and blue units and tokens (like workers, buildings and modules), you lay down 8 orders (4 each). But how about cards? We only used one set of cards (Raynor's), but is this correct?

How about resources? Do they share their resources?