Descent and Expansions Question?

By UPtrainfan89, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I first had a question about Road to legend. shows a box with a worrior on it but Fantasy flight shows it with a dragon in flight. Is there a difference between the two or are they the same?

Also what all does the quest compedium contain and what expansions do you need to be able to play the quest, however many quest there are in it?

Also do you have to play quest to be able to play decent? Like can the Overlord just make the dungeon as the game progresses and as the heros open doors and use the cards to bring about mosters and deeds? Of coarse this question is pertaining to the base set and maybe a couple expansions, not Road to legend. I guess my base question here is it hard to make quest of your own and whats needed?

Thanks for any Info!

UPtrainfan89 said:

Also what all does the quest compedium contain and what expansions do you need to be able to play the quest, however many quest there are in it?

For starters, you need an errata so big as to almost be an expansion in itself...

1) There is only one version of Road to Legend. Before the release there was a different cover in some ads, most likely that´s what you saw.

2) The Quest Compendium contains 16 quests, and 9 of them require some expansion material from various expansions including Road to Legend and Tomb of Ice. The errata file is huge and necessary, but that´s nothing that should prevent you from having a closer look at the compendium.

3) The gameplay is based on quests, so yes you will have to play quests. Even in Road to Legend you have "quests" or more precisely dungeon levels which resemble shorter quests. To play without any quests you can use some of the homebrew mods (Descent Quest comes to mind), but these still have a kind of goal to reach. What would be the point in playing if you just slug it out with no goal at all?

Thank you Parathion you gave me the answers I was looking for. Also where do I find the Errata? Thanks again for the answers!

Also Is there a lot of replay value in doing the same quest over?

The errata can be found along with all rulebooks and the inevitable FAQ on the support page:

Well, since there are lots of official quests out there (a total of 49 individual quests outside of Advanced Campaign levels), it shouldn´t be necessary to replay single quests over and over again. Many groups (including mine) play a quest until the heros manage to beat it, then move on to the next.

And if you ever manage to run out of official quests, there are tons of fanmade quests available.

UPtrainfan89 said:

Like can the Overlord just make the dungeon as the game progresses and as the heros open doors and use the cards to bring about mosters and deeds? Of coarse this question is pertaining to the base set and maybe a couple expansions, not Road to legend. I guess my base question here is it hard to make quest of your own and whats needed?

I assume by this you mean you want to make an empty dungeon and use purely spawned monsters to populate it against the heroes. This idea wouldn't really work IMHO. For starters, you'd have no way of randomly generating things like chests and glyphs, which are important for the heroes, other than guessing about when one should appear. You'd also have no natural terrain or monsters other than what you play from cards, which would make things a lot less interesting. The heroes would always be on Guard since they have no fodder to absorb their attacks when they reveal a new area, etc.

You could make house rules to randomly generate "initial" terrain and monsters in a newly revealed area, but that might take a while to get down pat.

If you want to make your own quests, I'd suggest looking into a program called Tile System. Also, the WARTS tile pack which will give you everything from Descent through until Sea of Blood, the most recent expansion. It lets you drag and map tiles, tokens and monsters to build your own quests, and it even keeps track of how many bits you have left so you don't use too many. Then you can play those dungeons like normal, after everything has been drawn up.

Like Parathion said though, there's tons of quests out there already if you don't want to spend the time making your own. =) Check out Boardgamegeek's Descent page, they have tons of stuff in the files area.

Where can most created quest be found for download?