Hey all. We've played a few games of BoW now and are having some fun with it. I think the game needs a few things, but hopefully we'll see some new mechanics in upcoming expansions. However, there is one particular rule that we are having problems with and I was wondering if others were experiencing the same. The problem we're having is the routing/fleeing mechanic. We have one minor problem and two main problems with this mechanic.
The first (minor) problem has to do with Advance. Currently when someone with Advance causes an opponent to flee they may move into the hex the opponent left. This often creates situations where the attacking unit forces a unit to flee, Advances, and ends up still adjacent to the target of their attack. However, forcing someone to retreat removes the Engagement token so that the two units are no longer engaged, even if they are still adjacent after the Advance. That seems silly to me. A unit that remains adjacent to the target of it's attack after an Advance should remain engaged with that unit. It's a minor thing, but it creates situations where it is advantageous to the unit being forced to flee, which seems strange.
The two main problems we have with it are that fleeing happens a bit too often (seems like stuff is fleeing quite often), and that roughly 40-50% of the time fleeing is actually advantageous to the person being forced to flee (and not just in relation to Advances as I was talking about above). For example, something that has happened several times in our games is this: one player Orders two or more units, and moves them such that one unit will engage an enemy and one or more allies will be in a position to Flank the same enemy. What happens far to often in my opinion is that the initial attack (the one creating the engagement) will do no damage (or maybe only one casualty) but roll a Morale result forcing the opponent to Flee. However, after the opponent flees they are no longer in a position to be attacked by the flanking unit(s) which is advantageous to the player being forced to flee and a disadvantage to the person forcing the route. Several times we've heard a player say something like "Sweet! Thankfully you forced me to flee, otherwise I'd have gotten my a** kicked!", or "whew! That was lucky for me!". It should not be advantageous to you to be forced to flee, at least not as often as it seems to occur (at least once per game, if not a couple times per game). This is advantageous to the Fleeing unit because it breaks the Engagement, removes the threat of the Flank attack, and basically wastes the action of an enemy unit (the unit that was going to flank) if they now have no other unit to attack.
Now there are a few ways to try and mitigate this problem, such as positioning your units so that the enemy has no hex to retreat to, or positioning at least one of your units so that they have an alternative target to attack if you force the primary unit to Flee. However, these tactics are not always available, and does not address the problem directly (namely that it should not be advantageous to be forced to Flee, at least not this often).
There are a few houserules that I've been considering to address this problem and I'm hoping that it will be addressed officially at some point in the future. Here are some things I was considering:
1. The attacker may reroll any Morale results on it's attack if it causes no damage with other dice or effects.
2. The attacker may ignore Morale results it rolls if it causes no damage (treating the Morale as a blank result in this case)
3. A fleeing unit is forced to turn it's banner if it has not been turned yet (effectively removing it from use this turn unless it's controller Rallies it).
4. A unit that is forced to Flee but sustains no damage in the attack sustains one hit when they Flee.
Also to address the issue we have with Fleeing occurring so often in general, I have a few ideas for solutions:
1. Leaders may discard a Morale token from your Order Pool to negate one Morale result rolled by an enemy against a unit under their Command.
2. Leaders may ignore the first Morale result rolled against their unit in each attack (leaders should flee less because they're, you know, leaders)
3. Units in Cover ignore the first Morale result rolled against their unit in each attack (units in buildings should be harder to dislodge, and they really aren't).
4. A unit may ignore the first Morale result rolled against them in each combat if attacked by a lower Ranked unit (i.e. it would be harder for a Green Rank unit to force a Blue Rank unit to flee, which makes sense).
What does everyone else think? Has Fleeing been a problem in your games like it has in ours? If it has been a problem for you, what do you think of my solutions? Also, if you have some of your own, pleas post them. Thanks.