An impressive work, really!
And thank you for adding Zothique. Always loved Clark Ashton Smith (maybe more than any other author of that period)
Lost In Time and Space Expansion Board
Virgil this expansion of yours is a wonderful idea. You have a love of history, and this knowledge enriches Arkham Horror in a dynamic manner.
If you are willing, I do hope at some feature date you'll post a link to the EON files.
I am finding it extremely hard to read the text on my monitor. I would be more able to offer suggestions, if the text wasn't so sketchy. Perhaps, this is a problem strictly related to my monitor.
I was mentioning to one of my mates about your expansion, and he thinks it is a fantastic idea. Both of use love the notion of visiting a possible future, after the Old One has awakened. All of your possible features are full of creative potential.
Since, players will be jumping through various earlier stages in human history, might it not be possible to have certain artifcats, and tomes, linked to certain eras. Tomes in particular seem like they would be more present in certain past eras, and some of them may have been lost to the present Arkham.
Another suggestion, maybe visiting certain pas/future locations can alter Arkham's present in some way, for the good or bad. Having an encounter within the future Reich, might unleash some effect upon the past in the form of a herald/monster to help the Reich come into being, or once it has come into being, to alter other time lines for the worst. The expansion seems, like it could add so many time quirks. What might a tome written in the period of the Reich be?
Maybe, some slip up in the Industrial Age, causes a future variation, so when an investigator returns the Terror Level has altered, the number of monsters in play, gates, Doom Tokens, on and on... The grandfather effect would be rather funny, so one does something in the past, so ones investigator can't return to Arkham, or another player's investigator ceases to exisit immediately.
If paying with an expansion, such as the King in Yellow, perhaps the current act is changed forward or back.
So many wildly colorful doors are unlocked, with such an expansion.
This is simply amazing. I would pay money for this.
I would love it if you posted this online at some point.
Just beautiful.
EonTrinity said:
This is simply amazing. I would pay money for this.
Me too... impressive. Maybe too much locations "for 2 turns only". But with some new rules could be another thing...
Any progress on this? It seems really cool, although a lot of work. I'd love to see more!
simpleknight said:
Any progress on this? It seems really cool, although a lot of work. I'd love to see more!
+1 !
Very nice job: if we can help...
Very cool. It might be fun if encounters in France were split between the Kingdom of France and the French Revolution.
Also, I'd expect the Third Reich to have common items, not spells. It would be awesome if there were a Third Reich encounter where Nazis were using the Ark of the Covenant as a weapon. Maybe you could stumble across the charred remains of Indiana Jones.
Hi, could you upload the files EON, to print the right size.
Thanks and good job
These are very impressive components. The board really spans time well (you could have the time of the dinosuars, but that's not really necessary), and the encounter cards and allies look top-notch. I wonder if this expansion would add a lot of time to the game, or make it impossible to get back to Arkham easily to close the gates, but I'd like to give this a whirl.
Apologies for necro-threading, but does anyone know if anything came of this?
I'm curious about this one myself…it seemed to 'prototype' then just vanished.
Wonderful, how would I go about getting this? I am amazed by the creativity.
Unless the original owner appears - or someone else who has copies of the .eon files - you can't. You can download the pictures and shape them up into cards (which is possibly easier if you go to the photobucket site direct) but there's only about a dozen of them, so you'll have to come up with a string of encounters to fill out everything else. In the event that you do, I'd suggest you publish your encounters here for other players to enjoy them in the future.
You'll probably need some rules too. Off the bat I'd number the epochs from 0-7 and say that when you go LitaS, roll a dice, then, if you want to, add to subtract one - that's the epoch you end up in. Additionally any player who sacrifices an Another Time gate during the Upkeep phase can immediately move to an epoch of their choice. As to how you get out - no idea….