Terrain type: Crest block line of sight beyond the first hex. I assume that this is for the unit that is in the lower part, no?
Out of command units: It says(on page 27) that OofC units cannot move, make mêlée attacks or charge, or use Event/Reaction cards; all of their other capabilities are unaffected, including fight in mêlée , fire, and formation change. So... can they do mêlées or not?
Recalling Cavalry: They can only move in their rear hexes, right?
Advance after a fire combat (page 35): it says ... may advance into the hex left vacant by the enemy target unit at the end of it's group's action . When exactly is this? All firing units of the same group fire, and then I decide if the succesful unit advance?
Does a UGC(or CC) with the unit in question move with it or not?
Advance after mêléé combat: The unit must advance. Immediately, or after all mêlées from the same group? Does a UGC(or CC) with the unit in question move with it or not?
Cavalry charge: Can cavalry advance after a charge?
Retreat/Rout: Is it possible to make a retreat or rout move in a unit's flank hex? Or must it be always toward the rear hexes?
Thanks for the help!