Terrinoth source material?

By Ninjaman65, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Does anyone know where I can find source material (official or fanmade) for the world and lore of Terrinoth? With so many interesting characters and creatures I would love to know more about the world and how it came to be. It would also be helpful for running a campaign in the world of Terrinoth.

The Runebound boardgame has flavor text on lots of the cards. Also if you read the 1st few pages of the RuneWars manual posted on this site it tells some history.

Whatever fluff exists on cards and in manuals is the only official information about Terrinoth. Runebound has the most amount of fluff on cards of any of the Terrinoth games, I think. Descent doesn't really have much at all. Runewars has a nice long block in the manual that ties together Battlemist and the rest of Terrinoth (you can read that online here as frog mentioned, if you don't own RW.) I don't recall how many of RW's card have fluff text though.

I suppose you could also pilfer the fluff text in the news announcements about various games. That stuff tends to be more specific and less sweeping info about the world, though.

I don't think anyone's done very much in the way of fan-added flavour text.

Don't you think it would be neat to have some sort of resource book about Terrinoth so that custom campaigns for Road to Legend could be made? With so many games taking place in Terrinoth I think it would be a great idea.

On the subject of Road to Legend, how easy is it to create your own "plot" and it into the game?

Ninjaman65 said:

Don't you think it would be neat to have some sort of resource book about Terrinoth so that custom campaigns for Road to Legend could be made? With so many games taking place in Terrinoth I think it would be a great idea.

On the subject of Road to Legend, how easy is it to create your own "plot" and it into the game?

I would be intrigued by such a reference document, although I don't know that the market would be large enough to justify mass production costs if the book was all fluff. Something like an RPG system might be needed to give such a book mass appeal. As I've said before, if I want to play a Terrinoth RPG, I'll just use D&D. In fact, I'm prepping for just such a game as we speak =)

As far as making your own plot, it's as easy as printing up a few cards with your own plot on it. Maybe making some tokens if the plot calls for them. You could even just have a sheet of paper with all the plot levels and flavour text on them and mark an X or something beside each plot segment as you buy it. Not hard at all. =)

I suppose if they wanted a book of fluff they would just write a novel. You would need an RPG system to justify some sort of source material book. YOU HEAR THAT FFG STAFF!? A TERRINOTH RPG WOULD BE GREAT!!! *WINK* WINK*

Do they have a suggestion box?