I'm new to Dark Heresy - really a "new returner" to pen and paper rpg's altogether (played a good bit of Rifts/Vampire the Masquerade a good many years ago but am just getting back into it) - and have a few questions regarding some of the rules. Since I'm the most experienced of my group with rpg's, I'm GM'ing (scary thought that I'm the most experienced) and have to learn the rules well enough to explain them to people new to the experience completely.
First: The issue of cover wasn't a big one in Rifts since most weapons would blow any cover you were behind to pieces. So, how exactly is cover used? It says that a part of your body is always sticking out; why? If I were hiding behind a wall preparing to shoot, my leg wouldn't be dangling out. Instead, I would await my turn, use a half action to lean out and the other half action to fire. Once leaned out, I'm now exposed so does someone shooting at me have to fire a called shot? My understanding from reading the description is this: If someone shoots at you whilst you are behind cover, they roll as normal. If they randomly roll the hit area that happens to be sticking out from behind the wall, roll damage as usual; if not, they roll damage and subtract the AP from the damage (if over the AP of the cover) and apply the remaining damage to that body part in addition to subtracting 1 point of AP from the cover. How far off am I?
Second: Where can I get tactical maps to use for these scenarios that are fitting to the setting of Dark Heresy?
Third: Is the cover destroyed once the AP reaches 0?
Last: Does body armor (flak vest, etc...) work the same way as cover, essentially?
My apologies for sounding like an idiot, but learning a new system on your own is a bit tricky, especially when it varies so much from your home base (Palladium Megaverse). As a side note, I love the setting and the game play seems to be very cool, I can't wait to actually learn it well enough to send my group on a mission
Thanks for any help you care to provide.