Kolbold Question

By Ken on Cape, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I picked up Well of Darkness today. The Kolbolds are 2 to a base. When an overloard card says to spawn 2 kolbolds does it mean 2 seprate bases of a total of 4 or just one base for a total of 2?

From the component overview on page 3:

Note: For thematic reasons, the kobold figure shows two kobolds crouching together. For game purposes, one kobold figure represents only one kobold.

Antistone said:

From the component overview on page 3:

Note: For thematic reasons, the kobold figure shows two kobolds crouching together. For game purposes, one kobold figure represents only one kobold.

Which might still be confusing.

"...the kobold figure...shows two kobolds crouching..."
'The' being singular, so one 'figure' has two little kobolds crouching on it and thus one base is one figure and counts as one kobold (even though there are two kobolds represented in the one figure).

I do feel the way its stated in the rulebook is very confusing. So it means a base when it says 1 kolbold 2 bases for 2 kolbolds, ect. I think?

Ken on Cape said:

I do feel the way its stated in the rulebook is very confusing. So it means a base when it says 1 kolbold 2 bases for 2 kolbolds, ect. I think?

Yes, for all game purposes, one plastic figurine is one kobold. The figurine just looks like two kobolds for thematic reasons.