After some debate as to the plain ,not very Playable Sardakk Norr, our Group has come up with the following idea's to improve them and make them more balanced as well as to stay within or improve apon the hive or swarm theme. Pleas give us your feed back on these idea's. We are sure that you have seen many suggestions to race modifications and or new race design's, but we are new to the forums and would enjoy some outside input. Thank you for your time.
1. As insects with a hive mentality, we think that would imply some sort of industrial fixation on building which their background suggest, so our first idea is this;The Sardakk Norr may always make use of the primary ability of the production card instead of the secondary ability and they do not need to spend a CC from their Stategy allocation area to do so.
2. To better represent their swarming abilities this idea for a rule modification was thought up; for each carrier or spacedock in a system upto three destroyers does not count against the fleet support limits.
3. In following the 2nd rule above this radical idea was also developed to further push the swarm theme; The Sardakk Norr player may at the start of the gound invasion phase convert each surviving destroyer to a single ground unit that will be part of the invasion. The destroyer is removed and a ground units is added to the gound unit force mix and the normal steps of combat is followed. The surviving ground force units can never be converted back to destroyer units when the battle is resolved. We will be play testing this one this weekend, to me this rules has many implications that will need to be addressed as they come up, but this rule adds some very unique abilities and gives the race a very swarm, hive theme.
4. This ability is called the 'The Swarm can't be stopped" . Once a Sardakk Norr player initiates a ground invasion it cannot be halted or stopped by any means the swarming urge is too great. This is reflected as follows; Its past time for diplomacy so the diplomats ability to stall for one round will not apply. The Domain Hostage counter does not apply and is ignored. On the Settlers Domain counter follow this step instead; roll the dice as normal on a 6+, the Sardakk player get's the world but no free Ground Force Units, on a roll of 1-5; follow the steps to see who the world belongs to, place the 2 ground force units of that player then follow the ground invasion to resolve the dispute. All othe domain counters used as written.
The following changes are made to the Sardakk Norr to balance them for gaining any of the above abilities; They keep their +1 modifier to all ground combat roll's, They lose the +1 modifier for warsuns, dreadnaughts, cruisers, and carriers, but retain the +1 modifier for fighters and destroyers in all space battles. PDS's gain no modifiers from the Sardakk Norr Ability modifiers.
Of the above rules, I feel that the 1st and 4th rules can be added without alot balnceissues but the 2nd and 3rd rule really pushes home the swarming concept but can get into balancing issues, so I submit these ideas on behalf of my group to you the forum for your honest thoughts on their over all impact to the game, balance, and over all concept.
Thank you again for you considerations on this subject.