I've been trying to make some custom reference cards for all the new players I play with and I just found this AWESOME program. If anybody out there is really familiar with this program, though, I do need some help. I am very inexperienced with scripts (I've never even seen one until today). Since I am trying to create my own card type, I was following this tutorial: cgjennings.ca/eons/tutorial/diy.html . But I was so overwhelmed.... :| Is there an easier way to do this?
I found that the mythos card template was PERFECT for what i want to do (in general), but I want to change the background. Is there a way I can just use the functionalty of the mythos card but change the background/card face?
Also, one of the reference cards I am trying to make is a breakdown of the monster token, so I would like to have an image of a monster token on the card with text adjacent, as seen here: i31.tinypic.com/2r4lvr6.jpg . Can any experts out there help me with these things please?
Thank you!