I did a search through the forums, but while I found some alternate treachery systems people were considering I didn't see what I was looking for. The current treachery costs of many cards can only be described as...wonky. Lone Troll (most under costed card EVER!), Lone Golem (on the other end of the scale at way over costed), nearly every trap card in the deck is over priced, etc.
Has anyone revised the treachery system by increasing the treachery increment amount and then recosting cards appropriately? For example, multiple the current treachery amount given by 5, then recost all treachery cards with the conversion (5 new treachery points = 1 old treachery point).
This would give you the opportunity to cost cards in between single point increments. If you thought the card was worth the single point of old treachery exactly, the new cost would be 5 treachery points. However, for a situation like Lone Troll (hous eruled to cost 2 for us, and still a slight bargain) vs. Lone Assassin (2 treachery cost also...and never used), you could push the Troll slightly up to 11 or 12 points (meaning slightly higher than 2 old treachery points) and move the Lone Assassin down to 7 or 8 treachery points.
This basically provides a better scale for treachery costs, while adding minimal complexity to the system. Cards that were underpowered can be revised down in cost, while more powerful cards can stay or be revised up.
Someone had to come up with this before now, so I want to see if maybe someone has a good system for this already before I do the legwork