Warhammer Expansion?

By John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt, in DungeonQuest

This is just wishful thinking, but do you think FFG could ever put out a Warhammer expansion for DungeonQuest? Terrinoth isn't a horrible setting, but it's just kinda *meh*. All you would need to set DQ in the Old World would be new character cards (like Trollslayer) and new monster cards (Chaos Warrior, etc...). All together it probably would cost only about $15.00.

I highly doubt they would introduce two different settings for a single game. Personal preferences aside, it would be confusing for customers who weren't familiar with the differences and it may piss off people who don't care and find themselves with two potentially incompatible expansions to the same game.

That said, you're absolutely right that a few Warhammer themed cards to put in the mix would not be difficult to do. I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult for you (or someone of like mind) to do as a fan project, although you might want to be careful about attracting GW's wrath by using their artwork.

I imagine the amount of money GW would want to license out any of their fluff material would be more than FFG is willing to pay. Not to mention it would jack up the price of the product to their insane level of pricing.

Baenre said:

I imagine the amount of money GW would want to license out any of their fluff material would be more than FFG is willing to pay. Not to mention it would jack up the price of the product to their insane level of pricing.

Though FFG already have the warhammer license.

I did hear some rumors that GW was re-publishing Warhammer Quest (similar to the Space Hulk reprint) this October. :D

I also think that FFG's license does not allow them to do miniature games based on GW stuff, right? I guess that really wouldn't be an issue with this game, as it's not really a miniature game.

Vilrandir said:

I did hear some rumors that GW was re-publishing Warhammer Quest (similar to the Space Hulk reprint) this October. :D

I'm inclined to reserve my excitement about that until I see it in print on FFG's news page.

Vilrandir said:

I also think that FFG's license does not allow them to do miniature games based on GW stuff, right? I guess that really wouldn't be an issue with this game, as it's not really a miniature game.

That's what I heard, too. It didn't seem to stop them from making 40k-related minis for Horus Heresy, though. At this point I'm inclined to think they moved it to the Terrinoth family for cross-promotion more than anything else. Not that I mind, of course. ;)

The "minis" produced cannot compete with GW, ones that could potentially be used in the miniature table top game. Thus games like Hourus Heresy and Chaos in the Old World can easily be produced, but Space Hulk and Hero Quest cannot (note that the FFG Space Hulk game is a card game, no minis).

Which is too bad, I think FFG would support Space Hulk *very* well and would love to see their treatment of the game!


However I think their license allows them to use the game *mechanics* (which you can't really protect anyways), so FFG could create a Terrinoth based Hero Quest or Space Hulk and just use their own miniatures (though they kind of have that with Descent and don't have a Terrinoth sci-fi world yet, though I guess they could use Twilight Imperium's universe...


John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt said:

This is just wishful thinking, but do you think FFG could ever put out a Warhammer expansion for DungeonQuest? Terrinoth isn't a horrible setting, but it's just kinda *meh*. All you would need to set DQ in the Old World would be new character cards (like Trollslayer) and new monster cards (Chaos Warrior, etc...). All together it probably would cost only about $15.00.

The Warhammer universe isn't exactly groundbreaking either, it has just been out for a long time and had a lot of games related that have helped flush out some story. If you want Terrinoth to be more interesting you should hope instead that they focus on it without straying to other worlds and hopefully we will see some more life breathed into it. I for one would love to see some more lore added into Terrinoth, the fact that it is something of a blank slate actually gives more possibilities to becoming an interesting, expansive setting.

shnar said:

The "minis" produced cannot compete with GW, ones that could potentially be used in the miniature table top game. Thus games like Hourus Heresy and Chaos in the Old World can easily be produced, but Space Hulk and Hero Quest cannot (note that the FFG Space Hulk game is a card game, no minis).

Which is too bad, I think FFG would support Space Hulk *very* well and would love to see their treatment of the game!


I also wish FFG had been able to do 3rd edition Space Hulk so they could do some continued support of the game. There's just no way GW is going to allow them to produce miniatures for their games in the same scale and type of theirs. It is however nice to see GW is licensing out their old BG's that were so good to a newer generation of gamers and letting us old folks update our older copies. :)

Baenre said:

I also wish FFG had been able to do 3rd edition Space Hulk so they could do some continued support of the game.

I own the latest Space Hulk, and I do love it. The figurines are great, and the game has a lot of replayability. The only problem is knowing that there won't be a deathwing expansion like there was for the old edition. It would be great if at the least fantasy flight could do an expansion that was just more corridors, terrain pieces, and missions, but GW is run by half-wit monkeys. Space Hulk sells out everywhere, is sold on ebay for twice what it cost in stores, but GW doesnt print more of them for sale. it's like a certain box of out of print space wolves that sold in stores for 30 is sold on ebay for 100. fantasy flight has its act together, and i wish GW would learn from them how a business is run (for the record, GW has been in decline for years. five years ago there was three GW stores in manhattan, now there's one)

Virgil Octavius said:

Space Hulk sells out everywhere, is sold on ebay for twice what it cost in stores, but GW doesnt print more of them for sale. it's like a certain box of out of print space wolves that sold in stores for 30 is sold on ebay for 100. fantasy flight has its act together, and i wish GW would learn from them how a business is run (for the record, GW has been in decline for years. five years ago there was three GW stores in manhattan, now there's one)

Five years ago the economy was not in a recession, now it is. GW is hardly the only company that's been closing up branches around the country.

As far as why they won't reprint things: GW makes its money on being an elitist collectible hobby company. I'm not saying they aren't assholes (they are), but if they reprinted things based on demand, they wouldn't be able to charge near as much as they do for their product - forget about how much it goes for on the secondary market, their own primary market prices are ridiculous as it is.

Conciddering the following GenCon report tweet and how well Space Hulk did for GW I wouldn't expect FFG to do a game with WH minis.

" TheD6Generation: #FFGReport- Will they ever do Warhammer Quest? no... It is too close to a miniature game, so that is GW's turf. "

I'm hoping that the secret anouncemant from GW at GenCon will be Warhammer Quest.