Will the special edition JagdLuther still be available at SDCC? Is there a known price?
Thank you!
Will the special edition JagdLuther still be available at SDCC? Is there a known price?
Thank you!
Thanks for posting.
Looks like the same mech in the box just a special edition paint job..
At least you can but them online after SDCC
Bet it will be pricey.
Since it is being produced by Sideshow collectibles. It will be pricey, but they have not shown it on their site yet so we will see.
Not fair. If they price all these things too high, only a very few will be able to buy them. Also, the promo stuff is only given at Gen Con, which many of us can't go, but I bet all the ebay mongers will and will sell all the stuff overpriced, like always. That's what you get for living in Puerto Rico
Arkanoth said:
but I bet all the ebay mongers will and will sell all the stuff overpriced, like always. That's what you get for living in Puerto Rico
I wouldn't be surprised to see many on sale there...
That being said, the game "Puerto Rico" is a lot more fun than the expansion "Catan Geographies: Indiana & Ohio"...
I do not think that this was produced. I have not been able to find anything anywhere that this was actually pruduced. I have looked on Sideshows site and Comic-cons and cannot find any trace of its existance. Maybe due to the fact that this game has changed distributers that this was not done.
If anyone can find that I am wrong please post where you have been able to find it because I would really like one.
Artemus Maximus said:
Arkanoth said:
but I bet all the ebay mongers will and will sell all the stuff overpriced, like always. That's what you get for living in Puerto Rico
I wouldn't be surprised to see many on sale there...
That being said, the game "Puerto Rico" is a lot more fun than the expansion "Catan Geographies: Indiana & Ohio"...
Hey, I'm stationed in Germany and
managed to make it to GenCon.
The "Luther" in the game is armed with an anti-aircraft gun and a claw arm.
The "Jagdluther" trades in both weapons for a powerful pair of guns that should rival the guns found on the Ludwig. It should be pretty wicked.
I know it is a bit of thread-o-mancy, but I found these on The Dust Models site... They are in stock and wonderfull...
I saw these figures the other day on the site, but does anyone know if they come with the cards? I really like the fury of Ivan!
They no longer include the cards.
I saw the cards last night on BGG and thought they were grossly unbalanced compared to the others in the box set. One of them had armour 6 which in the book says no tank of this earth has a armor level that high. very cool models though. I may get the Fury of Ivan just because though.
I think it was b4 the game came out they were making these cards if you feel they are unbalanced then make up your own rules. Thats what I did.
reptilebro1 said:
I saw the cards last night on BGG and thought they were grossly unbalanced compared to the others in the box set. One of them had armour 6 which in the book says no tank of this earth has a armor level that high.
Wait, do you think that they are unbalanced because they are over powered or under powered?
Most folks I know think that they are under powered. Yeah, they have awesome armor and health, but have you seen their point costs? The Jagdluther costs 10! That's as much as two Ludwigs and a squad of Battle Grenadiers, which gives you more offense, defense, and flexibility.
I would have to say both. The models stats are broken. I mean the armor is to high for a basic walker, and the points are to high I would say for any walker. The stats are so broken I do not see why anyone would field them with what they are now. Now I am all for reworking the stats if you and your opponant can agree on something fair. They are awesome models I have already ordered mine, I will just have to rework the stats so that they are fair for both players.