I apoligise if its been clearly stated somewhere in the rules but so fara as I have seen or recall I cannot remember seeing anything adressing whether a psyker can benifit from Multiple Foi or if so what they might garner (other than perhaps additional +10 to their invocation Test.) There is precidence to a degree in the TT, although personally I all for leaving the TT top rules there and letting the RPG have its own, as they tend not to scale well from one to the other. However you can benifit from muliple psyber familars in TT.
I was thinking of the issue though becasue, one all sanctioned psykers will start with a Psy Focus (given how rare and exspensive they are they'll likely keep them for a long, long while.) there are also several other things in the game that can or do 'count as a Psy Focus' such as pysber familars or a Force Staff, if for example a PC had their psy focus from generation and then acquired say a FOrce Staff or psyber familar or had two psyber familar ect.
Would they or could or should they garner muliple benifits from this multiple Foci? Just wondering on the thoughts of the community regarding this, it hasn't nor will likely ever come up in any game I am running but I just thought of it the the otherday as I was looking over the section on Servitors in the IH.