Yay, it's here!

By RedMageStatscowski, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I've been looking at the upcoming page every day for 4 weeks, and finally it says Descent is in stores again! WOOOOO! aplauso.gif

You don't have a copy?


Not yet, but I been spending the past month reading all rules over and over, looking at all the recent threads in this forum, watching/reading reviews of this game like 6 times each review again and again, plus browsing descentinthedark.com all over. So I know all about how to play and such, but oddly, I don't have it yet. gui%C3%B1o.gif

I promise, once you own the game and its expansions, and played some more...you will have a mountain of questions. :)

Jonny WS said:

I promise, once you own the game and its expansions, and played some more...you will have a mountain of questions. :)

Mountain of questions... you mean a 5 level OverLord's Keep of questions.... gui%C3%B1o.gif

I agree. I was the same way. I wanted the game, but in my case I had to save for it. So in the mean time I visited this sight, downloaded rules, watched videos, googled the crap out of "Descent: Journeys in the Dark" and knew the game backwards and forwards. But as soon as I got it and played the first game, I was so overwhelmed with questions it wasn't even funny.