Scenario Editor

By Telophase, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey guys!

I tried out the scenario editor for Descent: journeys in the dark but couldn't find a way to save a map as .pdf. I can only choose .dtb. What do I have to do that my created quest looks like the ones one can download from the database?

I'm assuming you have TileSystem? If so, saving just saves the "map" for use in the TileSystem. When you're done, you can "publish" your map (under File | Publish), and that will save it out as a JPG.


Cheers, bro!

I figured it all out!

Slight change from original poster's comment, but figured it didn't need a new thread:

I just downloaded the scenario editor again to see if anything had changed from a couple years ago, and saw no change. Are there any current plans in the works for an update to the scenario editor that includes expansions?

Which Scenario Editor are you talking about? Mike Z's I believe is no longer supported (the one FFG had on its site for download). TileSystem, while a new version hasn't come out in a while, is robust enough to be expandable so the fans have added all the tiles from all the expansions (WARTS) and you can download it over at BGG.



The new one is the one I downloaded, and just took a quick look at it and didn't see any new monsters/tiles. Also, it looked the same as Mike Z's old one.

I didn't realize there were player made updates available at BGG, I'll have to check that out.

Thanks again.

EDIT on the above post

I just reread your post Shnar and realized I read it wrong. I downloaded from FFG site, not BGG, so it looks like Mike Z's is still the one available at FFG and has not been updated, and Tilesystem is an entirely different editor available at BGG.

So no, I didn't download the new one as I said in my previous post.

I really like TileSystem mainly because it's extremely easy to expand and create your own tiles for it. I'm using it for all sorts of custom icons in my Doom Advanced Campaign. Here's one level that has a few custom tokens on it (Elevator, Barricades, Soldiers):


Creating a new tile is incredibly easy (just make an image then tweak an XML file) so when new expansions come out for Descent, a fan creates a TileSystem add-on pretty quickly.
