AoD-Quest 3 Questions

By Morthai, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Quest 3: Hold your position brought up some questions that are not explicity clarified in the rulebooks -

1.: Does Aoe Attacks, example: Breath, Explosion or Sweep still hit the gyphs if it is occupied by a Figure?

2.: Count Shadowsoul the Familiar as a Figure on the glyph due her special rule that she can't share a position with a other figure?

3.: Does the Glyphs work as a Portal to town like normal Glyphs or are the Heros bound in the Dungeon due the special scenario (it isnt clarified in the german rulebook - but under the elite monster category it says they give 1 conquest due here in this dungeon are no glyphs [no unactivated or generally no glyphs?] )?

4.: If 1. works and 2. is wrong is this scenario being heavily favored towards the overlord [tons of monsters+knockback on few monsters+spawning cards which generate more Elite Monsters that you have to kill to end the quest]?

I played with 1. unapplied and 2. applied as interpreted rules and ended with 4 heros on 14 from 48 gathered conquest and one glyph with 3lifepoints left where shadowsoul camped on.

If you ruled that glyphs with a figure on them couldn't be harmed, and that shadow soul counted as a figure on a glyph, wouldn't that mean the shadow soul could render a glyph invincible forever simply by standing on it?

1. I think the rule that glyphs can be attacked "if there are no figures standing on [them]" is probably there so that heroes can defend a glyph against attack by standing on it, which means that AoE attacks shouldn't hit a glyph with someone on it, but could hit exposed glyphs just fine. That's also consistent with a strict reading of the English rules.

2. The Shadow Soul is not a figure, so can't protect a glyph by a strict reading of the rules. And, as mentioned above, it could make the glyph trivially invincible if it did, so that's a definite "no."

3. The English rules say "because there are no glyphs to activate for extra conquest tokens , master monsters are worth 1 conquest token each when killed." I don't see anything that would prevent heroes from using the glyphs to teleport to town and back like normal.

4. I haven't played this quest, but I thought I'd heard from people who tried it that it seemed fairly balanced. Based on my experience designing my own quests, I suspect that the difficulty may vary quite a bit depending on the heroes' offensive potential; it looks like they're going to need to kill monsters very rapidly to prevent them from accumulating and overwhelming them...44 monsters + spawns over 9 rounds, call it 60 monsters total with aggressive spawning, the heroes are really going to want some AoE and/or skills that grant extra attacks, even assuming every hit is a kill. And they're probably not going to win right on round 10.

Oh, and playing with less than 4 heroes looks like suicide.

thanks for your reply, yeah ofc i have played with a good set of 4 heroes with even really nice skills including necromancy worked on a troll... but in turn 8 and 9 its really getting nasty on the board and mostly even with aoe attacks (i had a breathe weapon) the monsterhordes are just too massive to be decimated that fast. okay i also played really aggressive spawning most on all the turns cause treachery allowed me to switch out many cards to pull off a nice overlord deck. Even the Feats out of ToI werent that helpfull ... :/ so without that shadowsoul rule the Heroes would have died many rounds earlier (game finished in round 10 with 14 white monsters still on the board.

If the heroes use the altars on a regular, well-timed basis, this quest is not such a big problem.

(on a sidenote where is a pm person function or a edit post fuction xD?)

Yeah the shrines helped alot to keep monsters at small numbers, used them in the first testround 7 times. Hmm maybe just replaying the scenario 1 or 2 times...

Morthai said:

really nice skills including necromancy worked on a troll...

The necromancy skill doesn't work on monsters that occupy more than one space, so you cannot resurrect a troll.