What's in the box?

By bitva, in DungeonQuest

It looks like the game is going to be asking $60 retail. Now, I don't remember exactly what was in the GW edition when I saw it at my friend's house, but it didn't seem like 60 bucks worth. I wonder what/how much the FFG version will be adding in terms of STUFF besides the 6 hero figures.

Well, in addition to the six heroes it looks like there's 8 or 9 decks of cards for the various types of encounters you'll have, as well as an assortment of tokens of unknown purpose and of course the dungeon tiles. The one image of the game we have so far doesn't really give us a feel for how many tiles there are (I suspect there are more than the image shows us, though - hopefully many more.) Knowing how FFG packages things, there will probably be at least 5 or 6 cardboard sheets of the dungeon tiles to be punched out.

Also, don't forget that there will be bits and cards for each hero to be used with the other three Terrinoth games. That's probably only of interest to those of us who own one or more of those games, but it's worth remembering.

You should also check the pricing when it was first out vs. how prices have increased over the...decades...I don't think 60 is unreasonable for this guy. Definitely better than the $80/90 it could have been for an FFG product.

bitva said:

It looks like the game is going to be asking $60 retail. Now, I don't remember exactly what was in the GW edition when I saw it at my friend's house, but it didn't seem like 60 bucks worth. I wonder what/how much the FFG version will be adding in terms of STUFF besides the 6 hero figures.

$60?! I pre-ordered mine for $38.99 + $10 shipping from an online retailer, for a total of $48.35 (I had a 1% discount). Perhaps the FLGS will sell it for $60, but I think that online retailers will have it much cheaper. I feel funny posting the URL of the store I used here on this website. Lets just say that this particular retailer specializes in Cool Stuff (Inc). gui%C3%B1o.gif

i can tell you what there is in the old european DQ version, and i assure you that there's a lot of stuff. consider that the 2 older expansion (heroes and catacombs) are inside the base game.

96 room cards 15 door cards 42 search cards 32 trap cards 32 catacombs cards 15 corpse cards 17 crypt cards

total cards: 249

11 amulets, 15 enemy stats cards, 8 rings, 12 snotlings cards, 5 passage down tiles, 4 direction indicators, 6 combat cards

total extra: 61

Dungeon tiles: 135

Treasure deck: 72

plus, you must add all characters and miniatures (I hope for at least 8-10 starting charachter with their own abilities) dices and who knows!

not bad!

air show said:

96 room cards

Im hoping for more cards then that for more variety, making each game more unique.

Ugly characters. So far 3 of the Character cards I have seen are possibly the ugliest in all Terrinoth. In fact they are so bad I think I'll skip this game!


Frog said:

Ugly characters. So far 3 of the Character cards I have seen are possibly the ugliest in all Terrinoth. In fact they are so bad I think I'll skip this game!


Says the guy using, as his forum avatar, possibly the ugliest character in Terrinoth! gran_risa.gif

That's what expansions are for! :) (more room cards)

I made few mystakes when i posted the GW components:

room cards. 84 (base) + 12 (catacombs) = 96 cards

search: 15 (base) + 12 (cat.) = 27

traps: 15 (base) + 2 (cat.) = 17

corpse: 15

doors: 15

crypt: 15 (base) +2 (cat) = 17

catacombs: 32

treasure tokens: 32 (base) + 8 (cat.) = 40

8 dragon tokens, 11 amulets, 15 enemy stats, 8 rings, 12 snotlings cards, 5 passage down, 4 direction tiles, 6 combat cards (catacombs) , 27 combat tiles (base game)

dragon counters, snotlings, amulets, rings and other things are ok, i was wrong counting some kind of cards and treasure twice.


i was surprised a little when I saw "50 dungeon cards" on the new rulebook...assuming that the original GW had 84 room cards (plus 12 cards from catacombs) we have very loss cards to play. IMO during a 4 player game is normal ending the deck with ease (if the card "shuffle" is at the bottom).

It's strange 'cause other cards are still the same number, and catacombs (+8) and search (+3) decks have something more.

Very dissapointed with the 50 card room deck, just over half that was in the original. A small card expansion is needed straight away though i hope this game is supported and expanded unlike dracula.

I would like some more heroes as well as cards.

Preferably human heroes.

But first, we need to get the game, hah!

ElricDeMelnibone said:

I would like some more heroes as well as cards.

Preferably human heroes.

As near as I can tell, four of the six heroes in the game are human. Hugo, Gehrinn, Challara and Tatiana. Challara is admittedly a corner case since we can't see her ears, but nothing in her background suggests to me that she's elven, and that's the only non-human I think she could be.