Forums always unread

By Keggy, in The FFG Website

Does anyone else get a problem where the forums for certain games are always marked unread, but theres no unread topics when you look at it? The Arkham Horror and Descent forums are permanently marked unread for me, no matter how many times I try the "Mark topics read" button.

Try clicking the "mark forum as read" button to fix that - it's at the top of the listing in the individual game forum... that fixes it for me usually.

When I try it for Descent, AH, and the W:I Deck Building forums, it doesn't work. For Descent and AH, it never finishes loading, and the W:I deck building forum will finish but still be shown as unread.

Keggy said:

When I try it for Descent, AH, and the W:I Deck Building forums, it doesn't work. For Descent and AH, it never finishes loading, and the W:I deck building forum will finish but still be shown as unread.

I will finish loading - it just takes a while. :) I will run it on the Descent forum and just minimize it and wait and work in a different browser - fortunately it doesn't happen very often.

It will usually mark as read for meā€¦for a short while! I come back to certain low-traffic sections which were lit up, and the latest thread hasn't been updated at all. Getting tired of reading the same posts over and over ;)